TV-MA | 15 April 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    lenkaa Seriously, Adam Driver is the only good thing about this show. He is a great actor, but even he could not save this utterly silly display. And yes, one gets tired of seeing the main character naked all the time.
    baddmachine I tried. I really did give it a fair chance, but this is one of the most pointless and boring shows ever produced. Disclaimer: I'm a heterosexual male so I'm not her target market but I still recognized the good writing and likable characters on Sex and the City. Lena Dunham is a talent-less hack who has no business having her own show ... or showing off her naked body.
    wojja My first encounter with HBO 'Girls' series was not a lucky one. It was only a few years ago, seems much longer, tough, but I saw it in a completely different way than today. To be honest, it did not convince me in any way. I thought it was pretentious, exaggerated and full of really nasty people with unbelievably ridiculous sexual habits. I gave up watching it somewhere in the middle of the second season and I had absolutely no intention to come back. A few years later, I found myself surfing the net to find information about Adam Driver and had no other choice but to watch the series again. To my surprise, it was a totally different experience. First of all, although I still didn't like any of the main characters and consider them self-centered and irritatingly childish, I started to understand them better. I could see my old fears in Shoshanna, recognize my old friend in Jessa and sympathize with Hannah's dream to express herself and her peers. And I kind of found myself falling for Adam… No matter, how insane that sounds. Secondly, I could clearly see how well prepared and conducted vision it was. Every piece was a part of previously planned structure, every episode built up a bigger whole. At that point I had to admire Lena Dunham's voice. So, evening after evening I glued myself to screen and watched how girls went from one disastrous decision to another, from one great success to another, from one broken heart to a broken marriage or friendship. They grew older, moved on from failures and seemingly matured but in the end were exactly as at the beginning. Just like in a real life. We pretend that our experiences change us, that we learn from our mistakes, we pretend we want to make the right decisions but deep inside we are always the way we were at the start of our journey. Maybe only a bit sadder and bitter with no illusions. Unfortunately, I cannot agree with the ending. I see it as a shortcut, an easy escape from reality, nice transfer into adulthood. There is no such thing. Nothing about being an adult is easy, there are no final endings, no final goodbyes to old friends or old lovers. Being parents, being adults does not give answers, does not give us wisdom or closure. We always stay the way we are. Young or old, girls or women. And that part I missed in the show.
    koofasa Who doesn't love seeing NYC as the background for TV shows? That is the best thing to say about this show. While Sex and the City was sophisticated and fun, Girls is a lowlife version about four young women who are primarily unemployed and self absorbed. The main character is an obese unattractive actress who has massive tattoos and she wears very little clothing, letting her rolls of fat of flap in the wind as if the are an appealing feature. The other actresses are a bit more attractive but they all whine like the main character. Each episode focuses on emotional turmoil and you get the the feeling life will not improve for any of the characters. The worst part about the show is that the girls are not good to each other. They aren't really friends. Each actress only talks about herself and doesn't even pretend to listen to her friends. At least SATC had attractive actresses who were actually friends and they were all employed contributors to society. This show must appeal to the millennials who are also unemployed and unproductive. So sad that HBO took this turn to the low end of entertainment.
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