The Staircase
The Staircase
TV-MA | 07 October 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    mikeceder I found this crime documentary very biased, but interesting. Why not go further and put Mr. Peterson to a liar detector to see if is telling us the truth or lie about or why not involve a medium with skills into Occult to see really what happned at the 9 Dec 2001? A lot of things can be done to discover if he really tell us the tryth. I was disappointed to read an bout the female editor of this dicumentary who had a relationeship with Mr. Peterson and she says that the content of this documentary didn't affect the message of it. Hell no, who would believe that! I think in the beginning I did not find Mr. Peterson guilty but the last episodes naild it and find hard to belive that someone can loose so much blood after falling down from stairs. The guy is guilty and he is going to live with that for th rest of his life och even after, I think! Good documentary, very recommended thought!
    the_rd_amego Regardless of whether you believe Michael Peterson is innocent or guilty of the crime he is accused of, this documentary is extremely well done and appropriately portrays the twisted justice system, how evidence can easily be fabricated or misinterpreted, and how members of the jury and the public, are incapable of "unhearing" things that have been said in the courtroom. The influence of the media - the bias the individual reporters have and the way they choose to relay the information they receive - heavily impacts the way the public view the alleged crime, and in this day in age, people cannot easily escape the media's coverage of such incidents. I found myself on the fence about Peterson's innocence right up until the last couple of episodes. Something Peterson's attorney (David Rudolf) said has resonated with me, and I believe it will for a long time, "Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence". This documentary will forever change the way I view crimes portrayed by the media, and what it means to plead "guilty".
    Sierra_Marie_907 This docu-series is rediculously long for its content could have easily been done in about an hour. This alone makes it a chore to get through despite it being an interesting story. Overall, not worth the investment.
    jerkassstore I agree with a couple of reviews below. Firstly, this thing is dragged out. Secondly, I guess it was made in partnership, in some way, with the defense so really focuses on Peterson's side of the story without really giving a fair focus on the prosecution's side. Peterson did also come across to me as, not only a narcissist, but a raging sociopath. The defense is pretty flimsy. I mean, really how in the hell could a human gush so much blood from falling down some stairs? Has that ever happened in history? The defense makes a point that in a blunt trauma beating there is always some kind of fracture or whatever. Who cares!? Maybe Peterson didn't cause blunt trauma with the blow poke. He could've used a raking motion or something to cause lacerations. Stuff like that isn't explained and I don't understand why. My feelings is that the prosecution didn't have quite enough evidence to convict Peterson without a reasonable doubt but at the same time the defense IS pretty flimsy.In any case we're dealing with raging sociopaths, motivated probably by money. Once the victim found out her husband was banging gay guys, most likely some kind of monetary consequence was revealed, divorce or whatnot. While at the same time we have idiotic prosecutors with their lying and evidence tampering to prosecute Peterson at any cost. But really, who's kidding who. He did it. Peterson's guilty. Period. I mean, maybe he didn't do it. Maybe it was a ghost, right? There's no way in hell all that blood was caused by a stair fall. No way.