| 16 April 1978 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    mrspleen-10683 Worthy, if dated and often (very often) inaccurate account of the holocaust.I wasn't aware that Auschwitz accommodated its inmates in such luxury. Books and hairdos are allowed. As are free movement between males and females. Oh, and the Warsaw uprising was apparently based upon stealing a few mp40s from a few silly Germans. I suspect it was a wee bit more well planned than that.Meryl Streep cries well in this. David Warner evils well in this. Michael Moriarty looks like a young Ben Stone in this.If you want to see Auschwitz as it was, try "The Grey Zone".
    smwise3 NBC's Holocaust is perhaps the finest miniseries I've seen on television. I purchased the two VHS set several years ago and watch it at least once a year over several nights. Holocaust features a large, excellent cast, which make up for emotion which they lack in depth. Sadly, the stories are all too familiar and have presented in one form or another, but what makes this series stand out is the fact that it was able to compress time and feature some of the best known events of the holocaust, such as Babi Yar, Sobibor and Warsaw Ghetto, seamlessly. The dual story lines tracking the Jewish Weiss family and the German Dorff family intertwine believably, and the graphic violence is appropriate for this production. Michael Moriarty was excellent as the meek lawyer who became a cold calculator and Rosemary Harris was memorable as the proud but stubborn Berta Weiss. Meryl Streep and James Woods also are noteworthy, and it's a delight to see both actors in early roles. I recall when Holocaust debuted it became a media event and school project, with study guides for classroom discussion. I wonder if some of the material was appropriate for some young audiences.
    bigdave11 Despite its length this still manages to hold attention throughout. The performances are excellent throughout, especially Meryll Streep as the 'good' German. The character of Eric Dorf very cleverly portrays the aridity of the Nazi mind and the fact that many of these monsters were terrifyingly 'ordinary' individuals who issued edicts condemning millions to their death as easily as they would order a change in traffic regulations. It has been many years since I first saw this on BBC TV and never forgot it. It is now available on DVD, though only it seems in France where a 4 disc set is available with a choice of English or French soundtrack. Highly recommended.
    peanut9244-1 As a family member of one of the actors I cannot give a true statement.It would be considered one sided and biased.BUT as a person into WWII history I personally feel it was very well documented and was more realistic than one thinks.This movie was to true to life in some areas that it makes one think of Shindlers List.One gets the sense that the war was more personal with hitler than one think.When the Captain finally realizes that hitler is not playing with all oars in the water is the part of the movie that really makes sense.