TV-MA | 26 September 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Eugene Williams III I thought that "Transparent" had a cute premise to it before I watched it and after I binge-watched the first season, I found it rather refreshing. It wasn't just about the one parent who was going through a transition, but rather it was about the family dynamic. By the second season when it became apparent that the family was dysfunctional in a way that I've seen in families in real life, it became even more evident that the show wasn't trying to be as Hollywood as I thought it was going to be.There were a few things that irritated me initially, but I finally started to understand. The children are some of the most self-absorbed and childish adults you can find. But as the seasons progress, you find out that they've had no structure and were clearly spoiled to the point where they find sex as a tool for their solutions. The mother's character was annoying in the the beginning of season 4 and then there was a scene where she got to shine. Not only did it really put a spotlight on the family's dysfunctional dynamic, but it showed that in the midst of all the mayhem they were experiencing, not everything was about the children or Maura. When she say, "I was talking about me," I thought to myself that finally someone had the backbone to point out "not everything is about you." The mother's revelation was emotional, but so necessary. And I was not a fan of Ally initially. However, her character has developed a social conscience that I think is awesome compared to how she was crafted in the first season. I developed a movie crush on her when she had her awakening about Israeli- Palestinian relationship simply because she got to the see the country from both sides. Overall, what started out as flat characters are evolving into real people.It's taking some suspension of belief that every person the family comes in contact with is Jewish and/or trans. It's a work of fiction and so I accept an allowance. However, it presents a narrow world and if the show expects a larger audience to acknowledge, accept, and appreciate what Maura is going through, it may be a good idea to not depict LA as primarily Jewish, trans, and constantly sexually excited. It will start to devolved into stereotypes.I am hoping to see more character development. The fourth season did an outstanding job in that space.
    gprusakowski What started out as a unique idea and was well written and acted has quickly gone the way of most TV and lost it's way. This last season is simply an annoying repetition of the various characters dysfunctional relationships and in ability to cope. In many ways a lot like my own family which drives me totally nuts. It did better when it was examining the issues and angst of becoming a trans late in life but now has decided to abandon that theme and go on to frustrating portraits of Jewish angst. We cannot follow this show any longer and have abandoned it for more intelligent viewing. This is now nothing more than a copy of all of Woody Allen's earlier movie themes.
    rhkruijswijk I truly do not understand all the bad reviews on here. I am not a good writer and never write reviews but I wanted to tell people this is actually a really good show! It's very different from other shows and it litarly touches on every taboo there is.. The family isn't perfect and everyone is pretty selfish, but I feel that is more because they are looking for themselves and their place in the world. When anyone does need them, they are all there for each other. I recognise this immensely in my family too. Everyone isn't perfect but when you need each other everyone is there for each other. I think it is a amazing raw betrayal of a real family. Please give this show a chance!! I think it is my favourite show at the moment.... !!
    calpurnia-62329 I did like it at first. As many have pointed out the first season was pretty good but it went down hill in the second season. The oldest sister fighting with her husband seemed very realistic about how a lot of married couples interact. Everyone on TV in the past 7-8 years or so is a lesbian. You can't watch a streaming drama, movie or TV show, set in the present time without a lesbian couple or two. 15 years ago you never saw it or once in a blue moon. The lesbian angle is not shocking and ground breaking and cutting edge. No instead it is the cliché' of the '10s. The way it is presented on these shows it would appear that 50% of all women are lesbians. Now BOTH sisters are lesbians? What was the whole point of the younger Ali meeting the guy at the beach? What a waste of film, it had no point. Ali is a total spoiled brat and doesn't even look for a job. Ack I feel like I should finish all of it though, I am at the end of season 2 but I'm getting more and more annoyed with the idiotic plots and the annoying people. Like they were really going to kill Ed? They were all yapping about doing something that is illegal? Maura is great but his kids suck ass! That rabbi would not look twice at the ugly and non-religious son. His son Colton looks nothing like him, just not believable at all. I am going to plow through but Ali bedding Syd just is ridiculous and the Feminist professor plot line is also ridiculous.