The Event
The Event
TV-14 | 20 September 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Dorathen Better Late Then Never
    soumya mazumder Too predictive as it goes towards the end. At the beginning it started so interesting but as time pass by they assumed the viewers and di*kheads and started feeding unreal plot. So boring to see always the obvious ending in each episode. It could have been a lot more interesting if some unpredictable things started to happen. All the main characters are saved somehow in the end.. ha ha
    rdeat2 You want to know why this show lasted only one season? The writers started with a plot that they could not handle. That's right writers and creators, you could not handle the big picture, so what did you do? You wasted our time with another pathetic love story, and used human character defects as your crutch to replace actual drama. Good God, can you be more pathetic? Where and the hell are they breeding this type of sloppy production? Oh, and in place of actual talent, I will just create a fictional reality show where characters plot and scheme against each other with no clear direction or linear progression. Ya, and btw, your audience is more mature than you. While you are still fascinated with female sociopathic villains, and frilly high school love affairs, the rest of us are too intelligent to sit through it. I have a plan. Why don't you sit down and write something you think a mature audience would like, instead of writing a show that reflects only your own narcissistic interests.
    Tss5078 Let me guess, you've never heard of the Event? The show was yet another networks answer to Lost and this one had a real shot at success. The initial ratings were high, leading NBC to pick the show up for an entire season. As has become common place on NBC, after four episodes they took it off for weeks to promote some God awful reality show, and when they brought it back, it was on a new night and the rating plummeted. The Event had a terrific premise and has been called a meeting between 24 and the 4400, I couldn't agree more. 66 years ago, an alien ship crashed in Alaska, and the aliens aboard were not strange creatures, but were in fact nearly identical to us. The only difference being that the age at a much slower rate than we do. About half the crew escaped and tried to peacefully blend into society, but it was hard since they barely age, and often had to re-start their lives. The other group was locked up by the U.S. government until such time as their true reasons for being here could be explained. The series starts when a new President (Blair Underwood) takes office and learns of the prison. His first reaction is that they've never done anything wrong and he's planning to reveal them to the world and set them free, but someone doesn't want that to happen. This unknown force orchestrates this huge conspiracy to assassinate the President, while painting the aliens in a much different light. Most episodes are split into three separate stories that all relate to one another. The White House angel looks as though it could be right out of 24, as it is so similar to what we saw on FOX for 7 seasons. The aliens go from friend to foe and the President and his men, those who are actually his men, will stop at nothing to find the rest of them. The next part shows the aliens themselves lead by Sophia (Laura Innes) who has many different goals that frequently change and surprise you. It's this part of the storyline that I found to be the most enjoyable and interesting part of the show. The third sequence follows an ordinary couple that just happened to get caught in the middle, but may ultimately be the key to this whole thing. The writing for this show is as good as you will see on Television, it's not in quite as much detail as 24, and the timeline can be somewhat hard to follow, but never the less it's very well done. Unusual for this type of show is also the fact that there is no one person who you can call the star. Jason Ritter is the face that is most associated with the show, but he's not more important than anyone else, leading me to believe that his looks have something to do with it. Overall, The Event is another terrific show that was killed by network mismanagement. I sometimes wonder if these executives actually watch the shows they put on the air and realize what they have. There is no doubt in my mind, that if NBC hadn't put it on an 8 week hiatus and then changed it's time slot, that this show would be in the top 10 by now. Instead one of the most interesting shows to come along in years is another Nielsen casualty. For fans of the show, there is still some hope as for the past two years, the Syfy channel has been interested in doing a mini-series, with the possibility of re-launch should the ratings call for one. I am one of the people who will definitely be keeping his fingers crossed for that.
    plasticanimalz I was curious about this show but had heard it did poorly in the ratings, and after viewing the pilot, I can see why. While watching it I was bored, intrigued, and annoyed at varying times. Intrigued because the writers are clearly bating me to be curious, bored, because not that much really happens, and annoyed because they jump back and forth from present, 8 months ago, and...a few weeks ago, or something like that, and they also jump around to about 5 different characters perspective, but not telling you how any of these people are related or how their paths crossed. Talk about a sure way to not get you engaged. I can presume that obviously these characters are all going to be connected in some way...but, poor execution, not to mention, very disorienting and almost dizzying when your mind has to snap back and forth to keep up with the times and locations...with zero payoff.I think it's clear that NBC recognized the huge hit of Lost on ABC and wanted their own little sci-fi franchise and so they used Lost's jumping around from the present to the past and then to the future as the foundation of their show, thinking that's what the audience likes and wants. What the producers at NBC failed to recognize is that Lost was an extremely well written show, that didn't leave you dizzy when they jumped around and you knew what was happening from moment one and there was always answers to every question and payoff.My intrigue wants me to watch further but so far I hate this show. It went from dislike 30 minutes in, to hate after about 45 minutes of trying to keep up with a very poorly written execution. I am intrigued by what the big secret of this show is, but yet very turned off by how sloppy the writing is and...I honestly feel like either they hired a bunch of writers to quickly write their own version of Lost or some poorly constructed script was greenlit only because after the success of Lost producers thought a show set in the past and the present would be an automatic hit.Really, the only thing I like about this show, so far, is the house the girl lives in.Terrible.
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