Blood Ties
Blood Ties
TV-14 | 11 March 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Lynne P I missed the boat on this one and just started watching it on DVD and am about 5 episodes into season one. I find this show delightfully entertaining and yet cringe worthy all at the same time. This is defiantly one of those shows that is so bad it circles right back around to good again. The story lines are very unique and should be ridiculous but aren't... a teddy bear that kills? Come on! Sounds stupid but isn't. They managed to find THE WORST actors to play the bit parts, I mean just terrible! It was awfully nice though of the show runners to give them a chance, I guess. The chemistry between the vampire and the PI just isn't there but it's all acted well. Throw in a few cheesy lines and some random foot massages and you've a terribly awesome show.All in all a fun way to spend a lazy Sunday. I'm going to read the books next and am fairly certain it will make more sense there although, I bet if this show was done now with a bigger budget and better special effects it'd do well... if most people weren't experiencing vampire/buddy cop fatigue that is.
    Deathtyger When I first started watching this show I wasn't sure how it would go but then as I watched show after show it really pulled me in. All the characters were very different. Not your normal set of characters.Everyone gave a special something to the show. Also the love triangle always played so strong. You were always left wondering who would turn to whom.The stories behind the episodes were pretty unique I thought. I even enjoyed the music that was interlaced into the shows. The end song was very catchy. It was just music but it just worked. Very sad to see that no one picked up the show and kept it running.
    Kate1976 I'd seen a lot about this show on various message boards but didn't pay much attention because surely if a show was any good, i would have heard about it in the media right? Wrong. Bored over Christmas I watched this and it's the best vampire show I've seen in a while. I'd even say it was as good as Buffy in it's heyday.I'm sad only one season was made, but considering how little advertising was done, I cant really say I'm surprised if it wasn't a ratings grabber (i assume that's why it was cancelled). From what I've seen around, more people have been turned on to the show after it finished, than knew about it when it first aired.If you like vampire shows, you'll love this.
    purpleparrot417 Despite the fact that I often watch Lifetime late in the evenings, and thus saw Blood Ties advertised even before it began, I didn't start watching the series initially. It was some time later that I stumbled across the streaming video of all the episodes on Lifetime's website. All I can say is...I regret all the time I missed out! This is a fantastic show with an imaginative plot that serves as an inspired twist on the ever-increasingly tired "cop drama." Unlike many of the cookie-cutter crime shows available to viewers, "Blood Ties" offers really creative story lines with the added bite of witty one-liners and a cast that sparks with chemistry.I was truly upset to learn that Lifetime has chosen not to renew this great show. Though I was once an avid Lifetime fan, I feel now that the network is moving in a direction that will make it as predictable and reality-TV-saturated as most other cable channels. "Blood Ties" was a rare departure from spoon-fed vapidity, and a real triumph of the creative spirit.Though no new episodes appear to be forthcoming (at least not on Lifetime) you should really check out the episodes available online. A spitfire P.I., a compelling vampire, and an increasingly tight love triangle...what more could we ask for?
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