Dead of Summer
Dead of Summer
TV-14 | 28 June 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    noose-children Does this deserve 10 stars? No. But a certain one star review admitted they did not even finish a single episode in full. That, in my opinion, does not give them the right to even review. I liked this show. It's not the best. But I am sick of these new "reviewers" who cannot sit through 45-ish minutes to review (while claiming to take reviewing seriously) yet can feel good saying this is worse than troll 2 or thankskilling or birdemic. Those are at least fun. If you review, stop being a stupid elaborator. Seriously? 1/10? One of the WORST shows you have seen? Make ratings MEAN something again. Stop your dumb feelings-only blogs exaggerating everything, and leave an honest review. It's not good. But it DEFINITELY isn't 1/10. Screw this new age of reviewers.
    theblabla245 This TV series had the slowest build up in existence. Episodes 1-5 it seems to drag on, like the person who wrote the script was just throwing in random things in an attempt to make a 10 episode series. The first half of the show was more a teen drama than a horror mystery. However, if you manage to power through the first half of the series it does begin to get better. I don't think the last few episodes were enough to save this series but it made a decent try. If they had just changed up the first few episodes or else made this series a 8 episode series then this would be a much better show.
    smitz-67032 Let's see, you have a cute girl wanting to be a boy, you have a gay boy, and you have a black and white relationship, what do you think they are pushing here? Ah right, let's talk about the show now; You have a maintenance guy found dead, you have a sheriff and a girl almost dying in a house that was started on fire by someone and you have a deer dead with its heart cut out. Yes, the camp still opened up with all this happening not to mention the camp leaders seeing deadly spirits. This all happened in the first 2 episodes a few days before the camp opened for little children to have fun. Also, did I mention all the girl camp leaders running around screaming all the time with spirits chasing them. You also have a girl getting struck by lightning in the lake and returning to work the next day. I think I said enough, you can see the show isn't worth watching.
    mmx 80's theme through out the episodes, but not enough though. If you are going to do an 80's series then you need way more 80's over the top clichés, and there is not enough so far. Most characters look like they are from 90's or 2000's. The second and 3rd episodes are much better then the pilot. 80's acting. they could have made music and clothes and hair more 80's, as of now it doesn't resemble 80's all the way... still a good watch, suspenseful. They all drink, yet there was an American flag at the camp, which is confusing as to where is this taking place, because they are too young to drink if they were in the US. It would only make sense if they are in Canada, where in fact the filming is taking place. Vancouver's Eli Goree(THE 100) is here, and looks like he is falling for an older woman. Curious where this will lead on a teen network like this...