Everybody Hates Chris
Everybody Hates Chris
TV-PG | 22 September 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
    Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    fredreiland My wife and I watched most (if not all) of the Everybody Hates Chris episodes when they first aired on broadcast TV. We now own the entire series on DVD, and at first were very much enjoying the show - but lately, not so much. They surely could not have chosen a better cast; everybody does such a great job (everyone but a certain Caucasian boy, anyway) and each of them were over-the-top hilarious in the first season... but things seemed to taper off rapidly in the second year, and got even worse in the third. One factor which worked for the show's benefit was that it did NOT actually star Chris Rock - clearly one of the most obnoxious, loud-mouthed fools in Hollywood - though, surprisingly, his voice-overs blended well with the action as we got to know the characters and learn their idiosyncrasies. But in the second season the various actors mostly seem to be firmly "stuck in their ruts", simply doing and saying the sort of things we have come to expect from them. Did the writers get lazy, or is this just the way things must naturally play out? And then, rather than giving us occasional, amusing insight into the lives and behavior of his family and friends, the Chris Rock narration has become one loud, intrusive racial or political "joke" after another - which is often completely unnecessary and annoying. Sometimes it seems like Rock's big mouth intrudes after nearly every spoken line, and his personal racism is on prominent display while he regularly blurts comments like "Not if you're black!" or "Not if you're white!" - which have NOTHING to do with the plot, and only serve to illustrate what an ignorant (and wealthy) fool he is. (Sure, "black" people have NO chance of making it big in The USA... strange how some of the most affluent ones are endlessly beating that drum.) Many of his other remarks are "digs" at President Bush as well as other political figures and celebrities who have long since faded from the scene, so the jokes usually fall flat. We certainly aren't watching an episode or two every night like we started out, and are wondering how much more of this annoying mess we will bother to sit through.
    mohamod79 Seriously how is this only a 7/10? This is much better than the garbage we have to watch today. I use to watch this as a kid all the time don't know anyone who hated at the time even tho the title was "Everybody hates Chris"! I mean it had Chris Rock in it as the directer-arguably one of the funniest comedians ever to live. The story was brilliant based around a 13 year old Chris (representing Chris rock when he was a child) who is poor has to live in a poor area of Brooklyn with his 2 younger siblings Tacha and drew along with his two hardworking parents. What really made the progamme stand out was Julius the father of the family played as Terry crews. He played his part so diligently that it made it believable that hulk sized Terry Crew is indeed a poor man working 2 jobs to keep his family surviving. What makes this a classic and up there with the greats i. e Fresh prince of belair, Friends etc. is the laughter. Everybody Hates Chris was simply always funny to watch. Every episode had more unique laughter to bring. So if you didn't get to witness this brilliant show like I did then get watching ASAP wherever it be online illegally! or buying the box-set or maybe You tubing for some episodes.
    Sumedha Mane I think that is a clever title for a comment. Now I find the name of the program "Everybody hates Chris" really funny! I mean the comment entitled that asks whether it is a parody of "Everybody Loves Raymond". I was wondering why the show was called that since it is a comedy show, I expected some sort of funny title-now finally I get it..I think? I'm quite enjoying the show at the moment. I love the relationship between Chris and his friend at school, and all the 80's nostalgia. Really takes me back. It doesn't seem like long ago at all-perhaps it is a long time for younger people! I liked the Prince costume episode where Chris went to his first party for Halloween. 13 is a strange age isn't it? You're not a baby anymore, or at least you don't think you are, but you're still a school kid. I wonder how long the series will go on for-if like "The Wonder Years", we will see what happened to Chris when he got further into his teens. That would be interesting I think.
    elshikh4 (Tyler James Williams) is unbearable, No, he is too unbearable, and I'll tell you why. He has so little charisma, zero comic talent and huge amount of publicity ! It's devastating when you found great deal of people madly in love with the show without even watching any of it !!!!! And it's more devastating when they already watched it and just pretend to love it in order not to feel different or embarrassed ! It has some merits : fast pace, kind of good characters, no laugh track, original funny title, plus what a big homage for the 1980s it is.Yet I didn't understand (and I will not !) the stubborn red photography ?? That was something I really hated in shows like (Relic Hunter - 1999), then it was so provocative in another sitcom like (The Bernie Mac Show - 2001) ?? I don't get it !. Some of the character were just pure caricature but with exaggerator acting it became bad caricature (the father's actor). Moreover the narration of (Chris Rock) OHHHHH this is annoying to the max. Sometimes you have some comedian who is so impressive in country and so failure in another. So mainly I think (Rock)'s popularity as a comedian got something to do in America only. I hated him in (Bad Company), he was the worst of (Lethal Weapon 4), and I couldn't stand (Down to Earth) to end it in the first place, so eventually (Williams)'s silliness could be so truthful and expressing after all ! In fact (Tyler James Williams) has remarkable face as a sad, deeply grieved kid, OK, but that doesn't allow him to be IN A COMEDY ?! Even some of real good situations had been ruined by his frozen features and the totally unfunny performance of him. God.. It is more than obvious how he is not droll or even trying to ?!! I'll stop watching because the whole matter became too irritating to stand.