A Young Doctor's Notebook
A Young Doctor's Notebook
TV-MA | 06 December 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    PlatinumRead Just so...so bad
    SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    Dmitri Well, this is hell of a video story of Bulgakov book. I am impressed twofold. 1. Given all the hysteria against Ru, someone dares to film Russian classics. 2. It is done so cool.On the negative side: some Romanian / Gypsy melodies go through entire 1s season i am watching. This is too bad. The authentic music is not Russian.Overall 9.0
    shah ahmad I'm not totally convinced of the way he got addicted to morphine. A simple reason would be that Hamm/Radcliffe wanted to escape from the cold, dark, crappy place which the morphine enables them. But, escape to what? The show writer could have focused on where Hamm/Radcliffe goes to when they inject themselves with morphine. What they could have done is maybe change the entire reality to a warm, bright set every time they get high. Maybe even change it into a spoof family comedy with live audience, and when the morphine effect wears off, turn it back to the original cold Russian setting. If it was me, I would rather stay in that live comedy setting than to continue staying in the cold, harsh place. This way, it makes sense why the doctor started to do morphine in the first place.Not to mention, morphine addiction is a serious matter. They could have toned down the humor vibe every time the drug is in the picture. Everything else was perfect. Spectacular acting by Jon Hamm and Radcliffe.
    The_late_Buddy_Ryan I read a few of these stories years ago, and I don't recall that they had much in common with the later work, full of outrageous black humor and demonic fantasy, for which Bulgakov's remembered today. In this 4-ep UK series, three comedy writers attempt a seriocomic mashup of the two, plus a back-from-the-future framing tale in which an older (and much taller!) version of the protagonist, now a cynical, drug-addicted burnout, turns up as a sort of shady mentor to his younger self. Daniel Radcliffe displays fine comic timing as the younger doc; Jon Hamm seems uncomfortable at times with the accent (British, not Russian) but gets off some great line readings as the older one. Series hits its stride in the second episode, but our interest started to wane as things get darker and more chaotic in the last two. Seems kind of pointless to be satirizing the monotony and bleakness of rural Russian life in 1917— Bulgakov and his compatriots were about to endure much worse than bad weather and a cigarette shortage. Good supporting cast, esp. Adam Godley as an overly friendly paramedic ("Feldsher" is the term; until I looked at the cast list I though they were saying "the felcher"). I understand why the Russian reviewer who weighed in below was unimpressed, but when the second series turns up on 'flix, we'll prob'ly give it another chance. FYI, snarky guy from the Netherlands, this series was an Anglo-Japanese co-production
    notacat I've read the original several times and never thought that it is a comedy. But still I enjoy this series. Perhaps, nobody would look it if it were the dark depressive drama. It's always good to find some fun even in such circumstances. And I'm sure, Bulgakov wouldn't mind this interpretation. He was a master of comedy.I'm not a fun of Harry Potter films, I didn't realized who is Radcliffe, so it didn't prevent me from enjoying the film. If you can, try to forget about Harry Potter before watching. And about Mad Men as well. You'll lose the point if will try to find Don Draper here. I wish I haven't known any artists before.Thanks to those who took the risk and decided to do that. I'd like to see something of this kind by Chekhov's short stories
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