Voltron: Legendary Defender
Voltron: Legendary Defender
TV-Y7 | 10 June 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
    brainpls Overall, I would say that I enjoy this show. It has great animation, excellent voice acting, and characters with potential. Unfortunately, my attachment to this show seems to be relying solely on potential I see that has yet to be met, even after 2 seasons. The main issue with this show is that it has no idea what its strengths and weaknesses are. It tries to do a TON of different things, just trying to see what sticks. Another big issue is the conveniences. Many characters are capable of or learn special abilities in the show, yet they seem to only work once and NOT when they're most needed. The series has arguably 7 main characters. While I didn't enjoy Keith or Shiro in the first season, they were virtually the only characters that had any sort of...well, CHARACTER in Season 2. Everyone else is abruptly shoved to the sideline and shoehorned into a single defining trait, making them dull and repetitive. Hunk is the food-obsessed fat guy. Pidge is the tech geek. Lance is the comedy guy. That's all they are, nothing more. The villains are also about as compelling as a cardboard box, as we are given nearly no backstory or decent motivation for them at all.It's overall pretty disappointing to see people who worked on such great shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender, Justice League Unlimited, and The Legend of Korra write such a sloppy show with so much unused potential. What could be episodes focused on developing characters and working towards the plot are spent on pointless side quests with more-miss-than-hit comedy, most of which having to do with fueling their ship. None of the character balance, consistent pacing, compelling story, atmosphere, or depth from the staff's prior work seems to be fully realized in this project.That being said, the show is not completely doomed. It still has a lot of potential. If the next season(s) spend more time making the characters interesting and creating a more compelling story, it could definitely live up to the hype. I don't want this show to be bad, and I'm going to continue watching it in hopes that it realizes exactly how great it could be.
    stunningsalman When I first saw the reboot of Voltron, the first season, i wasn't sure that it could be surpassed. But second season is way better than the first one. It is one of the best animated series I have seen so far, and I have seen a lot of them. Believe me you won't regret watching it. In fact I was glued to my laptop until the series was finished. So a word of advice if you haven't watched it yet. Then do watch it at once.
    rebeccajanecraig I loved this series a lot! I have never watched the original series (although some people have taken to posting some of the more cringe-worthy moments online which are very entertaining), but I think that as a new fan, I was able to experience this in a much better and fresher way than an old fan?I didn't have a lot of information going in, only knowing that it had blown up on the internet despite only having been released for a month, but I spent the entire night watching as much as I could, and it was fantastic! The humor, while sometimes immature (or sometimes very adult-like, things able to fly over kids heads but make adults wonder about the connotation of the joke), was extremely enjoyable! As a big fan of Tim Hendricks and his work in the Avatar universe, I can safely say that this is another great work that perfectly balances action, humor, and emotion and is most definitely up to the Avatar universe level. Although I'd say that while I do love the animation for Voltron, I do find some of the main character's designs very awkward, mostly only in the face (Lance has a chin pointier than a nail, and Hunk's face is like 45% jaw).The show was kind of slow in the beginning, but I think given the amount of time the writers had, they effectively set up the universe. They had really only gone through about three arcs, but they all transitioned fluidly, and the story-telling skills was again amazing.Not to mention the representation is kind of great? Like really great. Four out of the seven main cast are poc (Although many speculate Keith possibly being Korean or Japanese, which would put the show at five out of seven). While the department of women is severely lacking, especially up to Avatar's level, the women are all empowered and serve very important roles. Props to Tim Hendrick, Joaquim Dos Santos, Lauren Montgomery, and the entire cast for bringing this great show to life! Lance is definitely my favorite, but Hunk is a close second!
    publius75 I was an 8 year old kid when I first watched Voltron, and then for years I annoyed my family by constantly watching and rewatching the shows. Voltron: Legendary Defender allows fans to not only enjoy brand new story lines, but also share those same experiences we had as children with our children as well. There have been some changes to the new series, so if you're going to compare the two shows and be critical you will find much to criticize. However, I love the changes and the new format that they use to tell the stories. Instead of a episodic story arc where every episode has a beginning, middle, and end this new series takes advantage of the Netflix platform by telling a more complete story line. If you're a fan of Robotech and Easter Eggs then keep your eye open in the pilot episode. You'll be in for a treat!