TV-G | 10 September 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    drystyx Jeopardy, the game show, is definitive of the "good old days".It's no "frills or fakes", "no models walking across the floor". It was made to be a true game show. To win, you had to know real facts.I wouldn't be smart enough to win, unless I played a couple of IMDb posters, in which case I'd be a shoo in.There is a "Jeopardy of the past" and a "Jeopardy of Today". Sad to say, that's why the "good old days" truly were better.In the past, you had to be knowledgeable about many subjects which required something besides pop culture or reading tabloids. In the past, the contestant who won "earned" a win. Only "Wheel of Fortune" can make the same boast. The other game shows were either sheer luck (spin a wheel, roll a dice, choose a curtain), sheer dorkiness (knowing each Hollywod celebrity's marital status), or sheer obvious cheating (Name That Tune-contestants naming a song in one or two notes, played by a band that sounded nothing like the original song. You do know there are only 13 notes? Only 13 combinations for one note, and only 169 for two notes, yet out of the tens of thousands of songs, contestants would name the right song-yeah, it was fixed).But Jeopardy, you would score yourself at home, and lose, but you didn't feel bad, because you knew the winner "earned" it. The winner knew about Chemistry, Math, World History, American History, Sports, Drama, even the Arts, all in a nice proportion.Then came the "clue crew", and it was shot to Hell. No longer could you feel you were beaten by someone more outstanding. Now, the winner had to be a superdork. Whereas before a tenth of the questions might be for dorks to get some scores, questions about the latest pop singer's vacation, about the latest movie's star's real, 90% of the questions were for the dorks, and the nerds now have no chance.I don't mind losing to a nerd. They have some degree of intellect. Losing to some dork just because the dork knows how many Coen brothers there are, but not how many great lakes there are, that would be unforgivable.The "clue crew" ruined it in other ways. Jeopardy was once as much audio as visual. Now, if you have a small screen, you can't see what they are pointing to, and they can't enunciate, so you don't understand what they are saying.The rating of 6 is a balance of "10" for Jeopardy before this date, "6" on this date, and "2" for today.
    drtturner I guess it is good news that I lived to the ripe age that I now have seen something I thought I would never see and that is a terrible Jeopardy episode. Jumping the Shark is a term that came from the show Happy Days when Fonzi took his motor cycle into the water for a dare devil feat. Referring to that show and all since that time, it generally signifies when a show has run out of ideas, gotten stale and uses a last ditch effort to recessitate itself, but instead comes across trivial and trite. Jeopardy was a game show that was immune to such a failing. It was foolproof in that College and Celebrity week only added to it. Now Watson, replete with spattered vignettes about his birth mark the death of the show's winning streak. The computer has a hackneyed name of Watson and the personality of my netbook. To make matters worst, he gives us the displeasure of watching our past likable champions look like oafs in a surreal event. Like exploited children, they don't even look happy to be there. Oh well.
    hfan77 After a slow start in it's debut year 1984,Jeopardy has evolved into the best game show on TV and my personal favorite. Merv Griffin did the right thing and went back to the original format from the Art Fleming era, this time with a video monitor game board and keeping the original "think music." Alex Trebek has become one of TV's best game show hosts and the show has no signs of going stale as the case may be with other long-running TV show. It's a game that everyone can play along at home and the degree of difficulty varies per category.What has kept the show fresh over the years has been the addition of the "Clue Crew", who gives clues from remote locations, the various tournaments (teen, college, celebrity and earlier seniors) and the elimination of the five game limit for champions, paving the way for the game's greatest player, Ken Jennings. When he was on his unprecedented winning streak, I would tape each episode.Now in it's 24th year, with a firm renewal through 2012, Jeopardy will remain the best game show on TV.
    mattkratz This will be remembered as one of the best game shows of all time, bar none. They have the perfect host in Alex Trebek. I love the gimmick of revealing the answer and having the contestants guess the question to go along with it. I wish they hadn't discontinued giving prizes to the runners-up though. Those were cool. I love seeing how many of the questions I can guess correctly when I watch it. Perhaps the most recent thing it will be remembered for was Ken Jennings's amazing run of 74 straight wins. That was incredible. Here's to Ken! I also love the final jeopardy theme song. I also tuned in almost every day to the Ultimate Tournament of Champions, which was a great idea. I actually remembered a few of the contestants on that. Hats off to a truly great game show! *** out of ****