TV-MA | 11 March 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    tizaouisabrine Honestly, there are just way too many dumb characters and we can see it's just too forced! You can't possibly go 10 minutes into the series without your brain going numb from all the retarded conversations the characters have with each other...They are all so slow and seem to have the emotional intelligence of a rock. I understand that can be part of the fun but making all the characters like that leaving only Chip as the "normal average IQ guy" is way too much for a normal brain to handle.
    stevedrake98 I want more Flaked episodes! I got trapped on my couch for an hour or two for days watching all the character development over time. I know a guy just like Cooler, but my Cooler married a lady doctor and lives happily in S. Cal. Anyway, Will, -- ya done good in my book. I don't care what the trolls and reviewer wanna-be's say. I want more Flaked!
    danny-kennerley-830-481239 Flaked is easily the most misunderstood show of the last couple of years and I think it's because of peoples frustration at not being able to neatly pigeonhole it in to a established genre.Flaked is all about the characters, every thing is driven by that simple rule. The drama, humor and tragedy in the show all derive first from the character and never from the plot. This makes it difficult to place in to one specific genre and boy do people seem to hate that they can't identify this show by labeling it. Without posting spoilers, the show makes bold choices with its main characters, their motives are not always clear and to a large extent over the first two season the viewer is trusted to make their own decisions about what is driving and motivating these characters. The characters are all flawed but their flaws aren't clichéd and nobody on the show seems to make decisions for a single reason, it's complexity is presented in a simple format, its subtle and never beats you over the head or forces tidy resolutions to drive the plot.The performances are all fantastic, and even the lesser developed characters are believable with the only real misstep being Christopher Mintz-Plasse's Topher who is the closest we get to a clichéd villain, but even then his inclusions and the situations that arise from his presence are interesting and gives us a chance to delve deeper in to what drives this group of misfits.The other thing that needs mentioning is just how beautifully shot this show is, Venice as presented in the show (with some artistic license on locations) is the sort of place you immediately want to be. Its as an important a character on the show as anybody else and it makes perfect sense that our main cast of characters would have ended up there.I love Flaked, I think it offers a fascinating character study and delivers it in an easily digestible beautiful format. Go in with an open mind, forget trying to label it with a specific genre and enjoy the ride. It really is something special.
    johan-herstad This show is certainly flawed in some aspects, but that is also part of its nature. That might be difficult to understand. It can be a bit of a mess, just like the main character and the spirit of the show. What is however extremely competent, is the way it is shot. It's gorgeous. The cinematography is probably the best i've ever seen in a TV-show. The way it uses Vence as location and the way they capture light is gorgeous; the orange glow of a low sun shot in natural light on location. the locations and vibe of venice. Together with the use of music this makes a framework that gives the show an inherent quality that few other shows have..The show is like a mix of The Big Lebowski and Californication, with some added flair of beat literature. You either get those things or not, and sometimes you need time. The show certainly grew on me, and somehow I couldn't stop watching. Enjoy the atmosphere that is beautiful and chillThe show does sometime dip into melodrama a bit too much for my liking, when it should be a bit more comedic than it is. But it is a far more intelligent, mature and artistic show than most. In fact it's probably one of my favourite shows since Treme.