TV-MA | 11 January 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    bjarias ..this is a really good series. It's truly hoped that HBO will make the right decision and go for season three. The four leads are outstanding, but in fact the entire cast is incredible. The little girl is a real star.. and AP is just captivating. There are numerous scenes in just these first two seasons which show how truly great an actor this woman really is. Sure it winds up a bit too predictable at the end of season two. But they can change that around as easily as they choose in upcoming episodes. All facets of the production are top notch, these guys have the formula down. There's a very good Vanity Fair article about them. They're a real force, and if they don't burn out, we should be seeing much great stuff continue on from them.. so look forward to it.
    pinki_0228 That's why I rated it high. I am not a fan of drama and hadn't finished any to the end of the season until I watched Togetherness. Decided to watch it only by its title. I am in a love relationship but kind of having a hard time due to lack of being together. At first, I thought it would be only about the importance of togetherness of people in relationships. I just finished the first season of it and I felt like looking back my own story, why I felt skepticism when I was with someone that I believed that I loved and how I met my boyfriend. I still have to catch up with the second season but so far it is just so great for me to think back my love stories and think of ways to keep current love relationship. xxxxxx Keep up the good work!!! LOVE THIS!!!
    Mikey N As a big fan of the Duplass brothers I consider this to be their - and longtime friend/collaborator Steve Zissis - greatest production yet. Me and the Ms. really long for the episodes to get released, and savor the experience once we get to follow the life of the Piersons and their friends."Togetherness" feels real, on every level. From laughter to sorrow I feel with all of the characters in everything that happens in their lives. I haven't seen a relationship portrayed this real since Blue Valentine with Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams.The relationship between the Piersons is what keeps the show together, its gravity if you will. But it takes the turbulent relationship between Alex (Zissiz) and Tina (Amanda Peet does the role of her life here) to really make the show shine. The chemistry between the actors is almost magical, and the balance between the characters so well scripted it hurts. At the time of writing this there's only one episode left of the second season, and all of the ones released so far have been fabulous. I read in an interview that the script for the third season is pretty much done, as long as HBO is interested to renew. I really hope that this'll happen, 'cause shows don't get any better than this.
    LUIS GONCALVES Some times you just need to be in the mood for this case,this is a show that puts you in the mood...i found this very fresh ,very well paced, and with very good acting . Finished the 1st season and i hope this has a 2nd and a 3rd and so on... Great musical selection (James Blake for example ) and a lot of indie band songs , that gives this show a lot of groove . About the cast, i enjoy every character ,but i have to say,as an actor, i was already a Mark Duplass fan , now i know he can also right and direct good tvshows . Hope you can watch this show and give this a chance ,because, there are a lot of TV-shows that i see on air a long time ago ,without half the quality of this one i give this a easy 8 .
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