Fresh Off the Boat
Fresh Off the Boat
TV-PG | 04 February 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Sam Kunz This is a blatant rip off of The Goldbergs. From the overbearing mom, Dad who used to sell furniture for his wife's Family. Oh yeah, and if you don't get the point in the first 5 minutes of "White People are just awful" comments, you will be told every episode. This show is racially offense and garbage and needs to be canceled.
    Vetiver This show is groundbreaking in that it stars an Asian American family, and it's been longer-running and better-received than All-American Girl. But it does a disservice to Chinese and Taiwanese Americans. I can see why Eddie Huang left the show after the first season - the show IS "cornstarch," as he said. It's sanitized. The "stereotypes" on the show are too lightweight and obvious. I can see that an actual Asian American, Eddie Huang, really didn't have much say on the show, so course he left it. ABC really wanted to sanitize the show for American audiences, but that only hurt Asian Americans as a result. I've only heard non-Chinese praise the show, such as Indian Americans and whites. Indian Americans can pretend to know what it's like being Chinese/Taiwanese American, but they'll never know. People who look Chinese are bullied and abused way more than Indians, who look vaguely Caucasian. Eddie Huang's story is one of being viciously bullied by white kids growing up, and this show obviously doesn't reflect the difficulties that Asians go through. I don't have a problem with Randall Park, a Korean American, playing the dad in the show. After all, he is East Asian and can probably pass for Chinese/Taiwanese. But Forrest Wheeler playing the middle son - that's going too far. Wheeler is hapa, half Asian and half white, and he looks like it. A hapa CANNOT substitute for a full Asian. Anyone can tell that Wheeler is part white. And Constance Wu looks too young to be the kids' mom - at the start, she was only about 31, and her oldest son was a 12-year-old. She also looks too pretty to be a clueless, fobby mom who's excluded by the white suburban women. At her level of attractiveness, it seems she would get away with a lot in real life, fobby or not. This show is pretty painful to watch for me. Asian American advocates might praise the show, but only the ones who don't know what it's like to be constantly stereotyped and treated poorly as a Chinese/Taiwanese American.
    rcraig-68758 I gave this sitcom every chance. Stuck with it through the 1st year. Even though they had some major character flaws with almost every role. Made some good corrections in season two. Even toned down some of the characters. But when this new episode from season 3 aired on 11/01/16 titled "Citizen Jessica", they blew it. It became a part of the democratic Hillary Clinton machine. It was done in extremely bad taste. To take a developing sitcom and trash it to advance their political views. Shame.I am done with "Stale off the boat". Good luck ABC (anti-American broadcasting Co. Politics can be funny but not the obvious way ABC did it.
    Xi Chen Warning - may contain some spoilers.Yes, I know this is supposed to be a comedy. But these folks are not "fresh off the boat". What this family experiences is nothing like that of true immigrants. There is no real depiction of the difficulties of moving to a foreign country, integrating with a foreign culture or acceptance by that country's people, all races of Americans. There is no depiction difficulties brought on by language barriers. There is no depiction of the direct or subtle racism that occurs.Their English is near perfect (sans Grandma)?!? The children are immediately popular in school - really!?! All Asian kids are smart and all others aren't!?! The grandmother's hip!?! Eddie's a "hip hop gangsta" wanna be?!?There is not one realistic character in this series. I did immigrate to this country and the challenges were immense. Let's face it - children can be mean to anyone that's different; whether you're fat or have warts or are of a different race. The jokes can be incredibly harsh. This show depicts none of that. Even once fully integrated 20-30 years later, subtle and direct racism occurs.What the show does depict is a bunch of idiotic Americans (the women in the neighborhood, the workers at the restaurant, white kids happy with a report card of Cs, etc) and a Chinese family that's already well integrated into American culture with all the typical erroneous stereotypes. Even the interactions amongst the Huang family with their sibling's families are insulting and mocking stereotypes.This show is not a comedy; it is a joke and an insult to all races.
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