TV-PG | 21 September 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    jessicaolsen-80394 This was a really awesome episode, and seems like it will only get better as the season goes on. It provides what a family who has a child with a disability goes through on an every day basis. From rude people, difficult accommodations, family stresses, and so much more that we wouldn't normally second guess. The message was conveyed as that the son with cerebral palsy is a human, and should be treated like one no matter if he is in a chair, or cannot talk vocally. Others on the show treated disability as in inspiration before they even know who he JJ is. But with the lack of accessibility from the school puts a damper on things very quickly for the mother figure. This was an amazing episode to just start and begin how a family may be with a child with a disability. They are still a family, just in a little bit of a different way, and different challenges that may come around on a daily basis. I would 100% recommend this film to everybody!
    Sara From only seeing one episode of this show, it is about a family of five trying to find a place where one of the kids, JJ, is accepted with his disability. In this particular episode, I really noticed how much the family was affected from constantly moving around and how they are treated because they have a family member with a disability. From moving around, the children lose all their friends they previously made at their old school. Also, they get picked on in school for having a brother who is in a wheelchair. Additionally, the mother, who is very passionate about people with disabilities, often times loses her temper, which results in people thinking she is crazy. The family moves to a new school so that JJ could get a full time aid, which he does, but the school does not have a ramp in the front of the school. However, an unexpected aid comes to the rescue to be with JJ all the time towards the end of the episode which was beneficial both mentally and emotionally for JJ. I would strongly recommend this show to others as it is very funny to watch, but also has a serious side that speaks positively about disabilities.
    michaelaosbern So far I have only seen the first episode, but I am extremely impressed. There aren't many shows out today that shed light on disability etiquette quite like Speechless. The family is extremely easy to relate to and funny. The mother, played by Minnie Driver, fights the entire time for proper treatment for her son who has cerebral palsy. Because she fights so hard for her son to be treated properly, this has caused their family to move numerous times to find the right school for this. It creates tension among the rest of the family, but it will be interesting to see how they all adjust to this new environment they just moved into. The message behind the episode seemed to be that just because people may be living with a disability, it does not mean that they should not be treated like a normal person. It bothered me a bit when the son's class called him an "inspiration". Just because he has cerebral palsy, this does not mean that everything he does is a major feat. I did appreciate the mother's determination to get ramps put into the school. If people do not advocate for the access that everyone should have, it would never happen. If you have not watched Speechless yet, I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to both laugh and gain a bit of perspective on life with cerebral palsy.
    Sally Warner Witty script clever acting brilliant story line with real people who have faults and wonderfully different ideas. I love it.He has used some amazing plays on being British, being disabled, feeling guilty about all sorts of things along with what life is like for families and children in a family with a differently abled child.A fabulous breath of fresh air. Well done for staying away from the ppr me routine (except when it is useful as a way of getting something).It is fantastic to have a person with cerebral palsy playing a person with cerebral palsy. We kiwis are used to it we have a stand up comic Thane Pullan so it is fantastic to see more people doing this.Minnie Driver is amazing, Micah is inspiring, the rest of the family are wonderfully dysfunctional. Please give us more like this.My favourite line is the Dad "I am the slowest person to guess what you are saying aren't I?" - it comes in a father-son chat. It is such an amazing self aware moment it is great.