TV-14 | 09 April 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    s3276169 Let me start by saying I like Tyler Labine. He was fantastic as the off the wall sidekick in the series Reaper and generally has great comedic presence.Sadly, Deadbeat the series is just that. A rather dead off beat proposition, that uses predictable, tired and hackneyed humour of the kind found in puerile teen/twenty something movies with titles, like "Hooters High" and "Bong Bachelor Party". Anyway you get the idea.Suffice to say this is tragic, horribly unfunny stuff, for the most part, with only the occasional genuinely original, mildly funny moments to lighten the gloom. My advice, give it a pass. Three out of ten from me.
    Ole Sandbaek Joergensen You shouldn't take this for more then it looks, it is a silly comedy series about ghosts and them who can see them and those who can't, some who believe and some who don't.It is short episodes, and they work well for casually letting the time fly by and not having to think to much about what is going on and why it is happening.Mostly fun moments, the main character is really a deadbeat, but it does get a bit too much and too silly at times. It is nothing special, but it does entertain and works in the nice little setting it has, but don't expect too much of it other then being silly and strange at times.
    foomonger Positive reviews must be fake? Seriously? Perhaps the often outrageous subject matter simply offends some people. Or maybe their humour glands are malfunctioning. Whatever; ignore these hatin' fools and check out this fine, fine show.I don't watch a lot of TV comedy, at least not past the first ten minutes or so (tired jokes, the same old situations and canned laughter don't do it for me), but this had me hooked immediately.Deadbeat is hilarious (as in laugh out loud and have to keep rewinding because you miss the dialogue for laughing). It's also surprisingly smart, especially when it's being dumb, which is a lot, okay most of the time.And it has Tyler Labine! If you have seen any of his previous comedy work, you'll know this is one funny guy. I suspect a lot of ad-libbing goes on. Besides, it's worth watching just to see Tyler's wonderful range of facial expressions - I got a friend hooked by emailing a snapshot from episode one - priceless.His annoying nemesis is too annoying for my tastes, but I guess that's the point. While Pacalioglu genuinely sees ghosts and lives in squalor, she fakes it into a successful career. The allegory tragically continues ...There is one, maybe two episodes in the first ten that are merely very funny, but this is easily forgivable in the grand scheme of things (something Pacalioglu rarely gets!).I give it one point for every episode that had me spitting my drink at the screen.Season two, please!
    turnerphotography What an enjoyable find. Well acted and mindless fun. Does it pander to stereotypes? a way a comedy about an oafish, hapless, stoner who communicates with ghosts and whose only friend is his drug dealer would be expected to. This is not dumb and mindless like so many sitcoms where the unattractive always-wrong male lead is married to an impossibly attractive all-knowing female lead whose kids are smarter than them both, it's dumb and mindless like It's Always Sunny without being so over the top offensive (and I love It's Always Sunny) and with a bit of a sweetness to it. It's Us Weekly compared to Harvard Business Review. And a nice way to kill 22-23 minutes.