According to Jim
According to Jim
TV-PG | 03 October 2001 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    HeadlinesExotic Boring
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    Bryn Taylor I saw 2 episodes of this show (God knows why) and I was absolutely disgusted. If this show gets a 6+ on IMDb it pains me to even think about how bad television must have been in this era, the program is absolutely awful none of the jokes even made me smirk, the laugh track goes every 4 seconds and lasts about 3 seconds, and it is the same track every time. In one of the episodes I watched, the fat lump of filth Jim woke up and yawned, and there was a laugh track, this show is incomparable to shows that we have today, I'm just thankful I wasn't born in the early 90's to have to suffer through this trash. I hate that main actor's face, In summary: the acting is appalling, the comedy is appalling, the main character Jim is appalling and disgusting and the laugh track makes me want to puke my balls out through my mouth, DO NOT WATCH THIS AWFUL SHOW!!
    Ron Whaley It must be the most corniest TV show on the air. This is probably a escape for Jim Belushi and all of his bad movies. His brother sucked all the talent out he younger brother. I hope this show is canceled and never spoken of again except in a negative use. Jim has got to retire or something. Please let them go of the air. If i here a joke from that show i will throw up and and wash my eyes out with a toothbrush. Id rather be taken from the devil himself than watch a full half hour that piece of programing. I still do not understand why the show is still in the air and running. We all know deep down that we want to shoot our TV screens when we see Jim's face. In conclusion, no more please.
    windtar OK, so, jim and cheryl are having twins.Forget it.your 3 kids are ruin shows for adult viewing. i know lots of people who watched the show and thought dana's pregnancy was boring. no one cared about her as a new mom.have jim cheryl and andy go on trips places, get away from the house scene.this is a good series but bringing in twins will ruin the show. audiences get tired of baby situations fast.jim belushi, use your star power and forget the twins.
    reannaroo At first when i thought this show would be dumb and annoying, but after watching it i was totally wrong! The whole cast is fantastic, with some of the best child actors i have ever seen.All the characters are likable and fun to watch. I recently just watched an episode where Jim and Cheryl are testing to see if Jim's sperm count was high so they could have another child, Cheryl tells him not to smoke or drink to increase their chances of conceiving. Needless to say, Jim gets drunk the night before so he cant fill the sample or Cheryl will find out what he did. He gets his brother in law (Cheryl's brother) to fill the cup. One thing leads to another - and Cheryl and her sister Dana find out what the boys did, and they play a prank on them by saying that Cheryl has already inserted the sperm! The guys freak out. I was rolling on the floor laughing! This smart and clever comedy is one to watch.