TV-PG | 02 February 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    commandor_data If you want to laugh (or at least smile), this show will certainly deliver. If you take it as a comedy show (and not superheroes), it is really funny and light.I'd compare it to Big Bang Theory someheow (not geek humor but same atmosphere). The actors are very good and have great potential, same for the writers. The tone is just what it needs to be, which is not easy considering the concept. I think it just didn't find its public yet.
    Bryce T. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT!!! Watch this show with intentions on enjoying another show about your favorite comic book superheroes because it is the worst show I think I have seen created within the past 3-5 years. I was flabbergasted with the fact that I allowed this to take up space on my home DVR for 3 weeks hoping it might get better. IMHO, it was as if they are trying to combine big bang theory with superheroes/meta-humans,and create some new kind of genre. I know shows can start out slow at first, and always tough it through 2-3 episodes if they're slow at first. However,I literally stopped this show after the first little 20-30 min. episode. I'm stopping because one word sums this show up, TERRIBLE!
    Lovro Zimak First 2 episodes were bad but it is better from episode 3 and episode 5 is great. Episode 1 was really bad . Episode 2 is awful. Episode 3 is okay. Episode 4 is good . Episode 5 is great . I like Alan Tudyk in this and Danny Pudi is great. The intro to the show is great and that melody is great . I hope that this show will get season 2 because it could become a cult classic.
    David M. Higgins I really enjoy this show. It isn't an 'epic drama'; but it was never meant to be. It is supposed to give fans of the 'Super-Hero' genre a fun 'junk food snack' and it does that in spades. It is set in a 'universe' of Super-Heroes but just not at the center of it; that what makes it fun. It is like peeking into that universe through a keyhole.