Great News
Great News
TV-PG | 25 April 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
    Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    killjoywholiksgameing Great News, even though it was short-lived, is worth a binge watch. While it has it's issues, which many have pointed out, check the dates those reviews were posted on. The negative ones were mostly posted in 2017, during the show's first season. However, the series solved it's issues by the time the fifth episode of the season aired. But, it wasn't until the seventh episode that the series truly began to shine. It is one the best sitcoms to air on NBC this decade. It's so witty and humorous. Each character really comes into their own after a handful of episodes. The character of Chuck, played by John Micheal Higgins, is the most lovable of them all. His charm is irresistible and I found myself enjoying his portrayal most of all. Give a watch and stick with it, it gets better, even when you think it's already at it's best. Support the series online, and tweet at Hulu or Netflix to pick-up the series for a third season, if you like it. It deserves to thrive like Tina Fey's other Netflix sitcom, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, which is also quite funny, but not as funny as Great News.
    jazebelle I've not seen many episodes of 30 Rock, but I have seen enough to know how similar Great News is - and without knowing that this was a "Liz Lemon" creation, after watching the first couple of episodes in season one, I already felt there was a huge familiarity to Great News, from 30 Rock.Therefore I wasn't in the least surprised, when I found out Tina Fey serves as an executive producer for Great News. The entire premise is quite similar, the characters seemed to have been written with inspiration from 30 rock. Of course sometimes, this isn't a bad thing, however in this case, Great News is always going to live in the shadow of 30 Rock and may never take off as its own TV sitcom. Aside from the fact that it's not actually that funny and certain characters are nothing but annoying, Richie being the least annoying, which is saying A LOT (I will be prepared to eat my words should this program go pass 4 seasons, which I confidently think it won't) there isn't much to go on with this rather dull sitcom. A large difference I can see between Great News and 30 Rock however is that the two main characters are destined for a romantic relationship, which Baldwin and Fey weren't. Also, 30 Rock developed their characters quite well and all went on to find fame, based on their characters from the show, with Great News however, several of them are practically unheard off, and I don't know if this sitcom is enough to carry their names to become household names someday. As for story and plot wise - it all falls flat. There's the overbearing mother (the ultimate annoying character), the daughter who does nothing but seeks approval from the mother she doesn't want to turn into - the blond (not-so-bombshell) bimbo, who seems to live in the digital age and spews hashtags as part of a conversation, and the Alec Baldwin of the show - or the cheaper version of Baldwin in the shape of John Michael Higgins all simply cannot save this TV show from achieving entertaining status. After season 1, I wasn't the least excited about season 2, but thought I'd watch it anyways, but I continue to be disappointed by it. It is however great to run in the background whilst you carry on with other chores at home - why? Because the entire premise is so chaotic, it makes doing household chores a breeze.
    ritera1 Tina Fey and 30 Rock. Somewhat expected as the creator was a writer on that show, Tracey Wigfield.Moves well and clever with odd but likable characters. But I find the casting very odd. They do the jobs well but they are viscerally unusual vs. even the casting in 30 Rock. The lead especially as she's very funny and adept but is the farthest from traditional casting. I was shocked to see Nicole Richie but she does her role very well. Andrea Martin is a proven comic but still seems like a strange choice. John Michael Higgins doing what he's been doing for decades and it still works. The father whose face we don't see is derivative of the mom in Big Bang Theory. And, overall, mines the framework of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.The production values are very ambitious and large for this. I'm ready to see more.
    verucasalt23-1 I started watching this because I really like Andrea Martin in Difficult People and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I didn't realize it was created by the 30 Rock writers. This show definitely started slow, and I don't love the lead actress. But I do like the rest of the cast. It reminds me a lot of 30 Rock, with a "normal" trying to deal with a crew of weird egoists in a television setting. It took that show a while to get going, and I hope NBC will give this show a chance to find its legs also. The fact that they're burning it off with two episodes a night seems to make that doubtful, but hey, maybe they won't have anything else to air. It's not like their comedies have been hitting lately.Verdict: Give it a try.