The Detour
The Detour
TV-MA | 11 April 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    csnoah1 I love this show. It's so quirky and you never know where it's going next. Great script. Great acting.
    jls-242-631517 Honestly, The Detour is great for numbing the brain when not wanting to start anything provoking. 1st season is the hook. However, as seasons progress, humor gets too exaggerated to enjoy past a hangover. Thus the sinker.
    zif ofoz How can a show so creative and hilarious in the first season fly so high and then in the 2nd season make a complete crash landing? I do not know! One thing I'm sure of (in my opinion) the actors seemed bored with the script and plot so the producers and director threw in crazy physical antics to distract the viewer from a sinking show.In season one the family's road trip offered surreal characters and an innocents with the characters reaction. Funny stuff! My favorite episode being the theme restaurant --- it's the best of the lot.But season two comes across as aimless and going in too many directions. Jason Jones just can't pull off slap stick action. And everyone seemed too tired to create funny scenes. So I lowered my rate to a 6.
    dean-556 Two of the most idiotic parents (but still among the smartest characters in the show) take their far smarter progeny on a road trip where all the lies of there marriage come to light and where the trust the most important things to the absolutely least trust-able characters the mind of scriptwriter can conceive and what happens is the most predictable slapstick you could ever imagine. I'm sure I would love it - if I were twelve. No vomit or diarrhea yet but you can bet it's coming. Disappointing, but I love Natalie Zea in everything she does, well everything but this. Seriously, I think anyone could write this shtick. Just take any of your favorite characters, put them on a road trip and have them make the worst possible decision in every case. Viola! It's comedy gold!