TV-PG | 19 September 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    xhidden99 About 10 years ago there was a rash of supernatural shows with vampires or Fringe or Warehouse 13 or The Event or a dozen others. This one's pretty good albeit there's some huge plot holes and some of the characters are cartoon evil. But the multithreaded story is a nice approach. There's three different threads that don't have much to do with one another that don't have to converge. But there are huge plot holes like why the evil Navy bad guys obsess on Lake Bell even though hundreds or thousands of people have seen it. Or why old scientist guy is even involved at all because his bosses already know everything and don't need him. Or spearfisher dude is clearly schizophrenic but often he's not. But so what. It's pretty good series and then it's over cancelled and that's it.
    crypto328 i miss it so badly i cry wanting people to finish the show i want it back on please if any one can buy the show and put it back on i love Nimrod he was so cute and the people left it at a crappy ending i need to finish this show it is so awesome i have all the episodes i'am at a loss of words the show did so well it should be brought back!those who liked this show please stand up with me it needs to be put back on it was wrongly canceled it had good ratings i have even made a t-shirt of Nimrod and the cast of surface if anyone is out there who can get the show to air again do what ever it takes i sit in my room at night crying that the show was canceled whoever canceled it all i have to say is why did you or they do it and if they can put it back on please!
    randy woods Terrific show extremely well acted by a bunch of unknowns. Great story and special effects and a terrific scenic spot (Wilmington NC). The show had so much promise and it ended with no ending...It should have been continued for at least another year. The oceanographers son in the show was also in Martian Child, and he is a terrific young actor at all of about 6 or 7 years old. I would put this on a par with Invasion but with better and more special effects and shots of the "creatures". The premise of a creature being created by a corporation who was years ahead of the rest of the world in scientific knowledge was not that far out of the realm of possibility. It just ended with no real closure. I have an ulterior motive to having it continue, it was largely filmed right down the street from my house.
    ursanjeev This show is one of the best sci-fi shows I've ever seen. This show captivates the attention of the audience right from the first episode and leaves one longing for the next season to begin, which unfortunately never happened, thanks to the network policies. Well etched characters and a cast appropriate for the characters played. Good amounts of thrill, suspense and emotions mark this show as a definitive seat binder. I never left my seat once I began with the first episode on Netflix. By the end, I was cursing the network for not having giving it another season. This show deserved at the least one more season , for the way its creators have designed and delivered it for the first installment. Its a shame that it got only a solitary season!!!