The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man
NR | 14 September 1958 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    aimless-46 The 26 half-hour episodes of the science fiction series "The Invisible Man" were originally broadcast on British ATV during the 1958-1959 season. It should not to be confused with the recent Sci-Fi Channel series of the same name, which featured Vincent Ventresca. Nor is it to be mistaken for the David McCallum series, which played on NBC in 1975. This one is the granddaddy of "The Invisible Man" TV franchise and is about as obscure a television series as you are likely find. I'm sure there is an interesting reason why they saw fit to release something this unknown on DVD, but for now your guess is as good as mine. It was a pretty decent program for 1958 but is more a curiosity than anything else 50 years later. It was actually a precursor to the James Bond craze a of the mid-1960's. Ralph Smart was the producer and he and his writing team would follow up "The Invisible Man" with "Danger Man"; which Patrick McGoohan would later follow up with "The Prisoner". Jim Turner plays Dr. Peter Brady, a young British scientist who is accidentally turned permanently invisible. While hoping for the discovery of a process that will reverse his condition, Brady kills time helping MI-5 or some other British intelligence service with their espionage operations in Europe. The series is actually pretty faithful to the spirit of the H.G. Wells story as Brady walks around on camera dressed in an overcoat and gloves, with bandages covering his face. The gimmick was that during the show's original run, it was never revealed that Turner was the actor playing the title role. In fact this stayed secret until the 1980's. Apparently the identity mystery was not enough to hook viewers and the series was not renewed for a second season. But it left quite a legacy as the spy genre (both parody and serious) soon replaced the western as the primary action adventure focus of television. Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
    claudg1950 Early in my infancy, Richard Greene's Robin Hood was, for me, the real, the only portrait of Robin Hood. At that time, I could not notice the budgetary constraints, especially noticeable today in the minute sets where action took place. In the same way, this 1958 Invisible Man was, for me, the true depiction of the Invisible Man: a type of superhero, always fighting for justice. I was eight years of age at the time, so I was very surprised when I learned, later, that Wells original character was not a hero, but a very troubled man. I enjoyed the I.M. effects very much and I never spotted a wire; however, quite often, things like telephones, pens and cigarettes behaved strangely when lifted by the invisible man: they tended to somehow oscillate, a movement not to be expected from an object supposedly held by a hand (invisible or otherwise). Nevertheless, it was good and fun. ALL 26 EPISODES ARE AVAILABLE FOR WATCHING OR DOWNLOADING at Internet Archives dot org (Classic TV Section) or at Uncle Earl's Classic TV web site. Don't miss them.I also agree with the previous commentator that ITC, very markedly at that time, usually offered products of a superior quality. I'm an admirer of Ralph Smart (the producer of this series), who would be later responsible for the excellent and unsurpassed Danger Man (Secret Agent Man) starring Patrick McGoohan.
    brechtbug Warning.....Contains Mild Spoilers! This version of "Invsible Man" has the distinct advantage of not having the scientist , Peter Brady, go slowly insane. Brady turns transparent due to a "radiation" leak while exposing a guinea pig to an unspecified element. He spends the rest of the series constantly looking for a formula to make himself reappear, has a tantrum or two, but otherwise maintains a rather sunny disposition. After an initial misunderstanding with the British Government he moves in with his widowed sister and freckle faced niece and unofficially puts up a shingle to help any passer-by who needs invisible espionage assistance. The show is a little like "The Saint" in that everyone always recognizes the famous Simon Templar yet he is still able to work undercover assignments. The first few "Invisible Man" episodes has the British Government hoping to keep Brady under wraps but after a relatively harmless auto accident "the cat is out of the bag". The press starts flocking to Brady's sister's house and goes nuts trying to figure out how to photograph our unseen hero. I was impressed by the amount of exterior location shoots around London making this series refreshingly not studio enclosed. I loved the fact that Brady's sister seems totally comfortable driving him to each assignment and exposing her daughter to dangerous individuals while always having dinner served on time. The special effects are minimal - a few floating chairs, reusable head bandage unwrapping shots and dangling cigarettes, but hey, you either go with the concept or you don't.It's also good to know that Brady's cotton lab coat and shoes became invisible with him so he can avoid the chill of creeping around in the buff and stepping on broken glass.
    CommandoCody The British television series, "H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man," may have been based on the character created by Wells but had very little to do with the novel or classic James Whale film from Universal. In direct contradiction to the source material, the hero Dr. Peter Brady, was doing remarkably well as a workaholic scientist employed by the British government. He accidentally becomes invisible (fortunately for him, clothes and all) after a radiation leak interferes with his experiments on optical density and refraction. Naturally, the British authorities are suspicious of Brady, wondering what he'll do with his new-found "powers." Brady becomes a one man Impossible Missions Force. In subsequent episodes, he's dispatched to one mythical Middle Eastern, Eastern European, or African country after another, to foil the forces of evil threatening the British Empire. Despite supposedly being a secret agent, as the series progressed, Brady's invisibility became public knowledge leading to trouble in some episodes.The special effects were cheap and downright awful by today's standards. For the most part, the "invisibility" special effects were handled by wires holding various objects such as car keys, test tubes, guns, and the like. Scenes were frequently shot from Brady's point-of-view to limit the use of special effects. Despite these shortcomings the series eventually attracted the interests of US television networks. H.G. Wells' The Invisible Man ran for 39 half hours on the CBS network from November 4, 1958 to September 22, 1960.