The New Avengers
The New Avengers
| 22 October 1976 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Joxerlives As a kid this was actually my first introduction to the series, then I watched the Tara King season when it was repeated by Channel 4 in the early 80s, then I caught up with the earlier seasons via DVD.Very interesting, acts almost as a bridging ep between the old Avengers and The Professionals. Very much more set in the real world than it's predecessors, uniformed policemen, drugs, poor people, the Cold War with the Soviet Union replacing some unnamed 'foreign power'. More violent, gunfights (which Patrick McNee always tried to avoid due to his World War 2 combat experiences), car chases and fight scenes with a lot more vigour than before. Still no blood and no women getting killed (good!), still gentlemen spies and villains. The structure of 2 young agents supervised by a stern yet affectionate superior is repeated in The Professionals and Mike Gambit is very much a prototype for Bodie in a great many ways in terms of style and background. Given the success of Purdey's character it almost seems strange that they didn't try to introduce a female CI5 agents into the mix? But maybe that would have seemed too close? Of course one episode actually features future Professionals Martin Shaw and Lewis Collins as the villains, Collins remarking to Shaw that they "Make a good team, we should work together again some time".McNee still magnificent as ever especially in 'Dead Men are Dangerous' which is extremely good, possibly the best ep ever. If there's a weakness to the series it's the sometimes rather ropey special effects (especially the 'giant' rat), a lack of budget and the endlessly repeated cliché off a dying man's final words setting the team off on their adventure. The Canada eps are a little flat but no offence to the canucks 70s Canada didn't lend it's much to great drama as Brian Clemens comments. The French eps are much better, Paris lending itself to the Avengers and the idea of literal Soviet 'sleeper agents' terrific. All told it's a classic even if very much of it's time and well worth the look.
    gregoryshnly "The New Avengers"was my introduction to the "Avengers" world and I thought Patrick Macnee was great as John Steed,the perfect English gentleman,with bowler hat and umbrella and his charm,in no way making him less able to defend his country. Joanna Lumley was excellent as high kicking Purdey,she holds her own against Mrs Peel,she is very funny when telling Steed,he doesn't need to be so protective to women "as we're liberated now!". I liked Gareth Hunt,his presence is often treated as an interloper by "Avengers" fans but the fact is if it had just been Steed and Purdey,with Steed doing the stunts(or a very obvious stand in as in the Emma Peel/Tara King eras when Macnee's stand in for fights,was clearly seen)it would have looked bizarre. The rapport between Purdey and Gambit is spot on,I love the way they chatter or bicker away in the middle of an action scene,there were changes in the 2nd season after Patrick Macnee complained and poor old Gambit is put on the back burner,in the 2nd season,in the last ever episode,in Canada(the one about the secret base)the closing shot doesn't even feature Gambit. the stories themselves do vary in story quality,the first series started with "Nest Of Eagles"about Nazi's alive and well in Scotland all three New Avengers work great together,Purdey's high kicking,beauty and great humour working great with Macnee's charm and Gambit's 70s gritty edge. Other stories include "House of Cards"about an enemy agent faking his death,it features a humorous scene of a lady guest of Steed's looking at pictures of Cathy Gale,Emma Peel and Tara King. As the lady asks about each Avenger,Steed describes them as excellent or"faithful,reliable" then on Tara King,he says she had a "real kick in her"and he had to have her shot,it turns out,Steed thought she was asking about his three favourite horses! The first series comes across well with varied stories a man whose touch can kill,the dreaded Cybernauts return in one of the best stories,a man who can control birds by music,the first season ends with "Dirtier By The Dozen" about crazed mercenaries,the closing shot of Purdey rescued from a minefield by helicopter by Steed,on a rope ladder,drinking champagne,is one ofthe times,we see some of the old Avengers magic. The second series is more varied,Emma Peel makes an appearance in "K Is For Killing"(using old footage of Diana Rigg and a voice dub) when an old case comes tolight again as enemy soldiers are reanimated,its a good story and the Paris scene really give the series so much needed glamour. The Paris stories work well,the last four episodes of "The New Avengers" are set in Canada,one of them "Complex" about a crazed computer is one of the better ones,"Gladiators" about super powered assassins is good too,the real dull on is "Emily",its like a really bad "Charlie's Angels" episode and is a real turkey. I'll always have a soft spot for The New Avengers",the three leads are excellent,(I met Gareth Hunt,a few years ago,what a nice guy)Joanna Lumley is superb,Patrick Macnee is excellent as ever,Gareth Hunt is a welcome and necessary character,there were mistakes made,like not showing Steed driving his classic cars anymore,too much attention on car chases and violence(but it was the 70s)if maybe more writers from "The Avengers" had been involved maybe it would have been better liked by "Avengers" fans but I like it and I'm glad it was made.
    EASChurchill Sure it is outdated, but so are westerns, but people still watch them. You have to take in the context in which era it was made. We are no longer fighting those Ruskies, but we were then. You can tell by my name why I like the show. By this time Steed is just the brains of the crew with Gambit and Purdey being the brawn. He is still your classic Englishman of that era,polite, charming and well spoken. As with the first series the cars are really fine, but I wish they had chosen some other color for Purdey's MGB. I wonder if anyone noticed that in the seventh episode, the one called 'To Catch A Rat', the man who played Flyer was Ian Hendry? He was the star of the original Avengers series in 1961, with Steed as the co-star. For whatever reason he left the show after the first season and Steed became the star.
    James-328 The New Avengers, seven years after the original series stopped. Three instead of Two, 70's instead of 60's, Flares instead of slacks. Those are the differences in the two brilliant programmes. Steed is now in his 50's and fatter and slower, Gambit is a suave action man played by Gareth Hunt with excellent wit and charm, He is the action man of the series partly because Steed is old. Purdey the new girl played by Joanna Lumley looks stunning as a sexy super spy who combats crime with Gambit. Sexual tension also builds up between them. 26 eposides of pure action, drama, comedy and style. The first eposide is one of the best, with a guest appearance from Peter Cushing, battling against Neo Nazi's in Scotland. Yet the last eposide was one of the worst in the series, filmed in Canada the team has to keep a hand print safe on the top of a car. A sad demise of such an excellent series. Guest appearances from Peter Cushing, Lewis Collins, Martin Shaw and others. Cool action scenes and car chases. Laurie Johnson provides a superb incidental music score. Brian Clemens makes the most of what he has and makes excellent stories and narrative.This is a very good series that has turned into a cult classic, a classic in any crime and action fans list. 10 out of 10.