Tales of the Gold Monkey
Tales of the Gold Monkey
| 22 September 1982 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    mflincoln I was a young 22 just out of active duty after serving 4 yrs in the United States Navy when this show first appeared, this was an awesome program, love the 30s time, the way people dressed, talked, behaved...it was a better time (without having to get into the nuances of today)... the south pacific, that specific area and post WW2)...the writing acting, costumes...beyond words, my family would record it for me,(when you could) on super8, while I was on reserve duty...it was good, you could watch the show and enjoy the exploits of the cast, (fast forward thru the commercials) it was very disappointing to see it get canceled even though it received recognition, ABC made a mistake, as the networks often do
    bluesman-20 Tales of the Gold Monkey. Is a show That sprang up after the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Tales of the Gold monkey and Bring Em back alive were the two shows that tried to copy an Indiana Jones vein. While both shows only stayed for a season they were actually superior to a lot of shows that did stay. Tales of the Gold monkey is the story of Captain Jake Cutter and his friends on a Pacific island in 1938 They must contend with Nazi spies Pirates and just about every other perils the adventure pulp novels could think of. Jake Cutter is a out of work pilot who owns a battered Grumman goose. He travels with Corky a mechanic with a drinking problem. Jack a egotistical one eyed dog. Along the way he ends up working at the monkey bar owned by Bon chance Louie a shady con man with a heart of gold. When the show opens Jake is flying cargo with his beloved plane Cuter's Goose. and he runs into American Spy Sarh . Naturally after a few adventures together they fall in love. And after that the show to it's credit. does not fall into a formula show. it instead becomes a one reel serial adventure movie. here the heroes are heroes the bad guys are bad guys and there are no areas off grey. This show still remains a treasured part of my childhood so much. I bought the series on DVD. and today it's a show even my sons enjoy. That says a lot about a 30 year + show that only lasted a season. Now if they would only release Bring Em Back alive on DVD. Oh well until then I have this show to keep me company.
    gilbert-haentjens TotGM came on Flemish (commercial) television in 1989 - 1990. I was 41 years old then, which is somewhat older then many of the other reviewers. I remember it as a perfect combination of adventure, romance and historical background, and with enough suspense to keep every episode very enjoyable. Today, 16 years later (and older), it still remains my favourite TV series and until this day I check regularly whether it would appear in the programming of one or other of the many TV stations which can be received in Flanders. As far as I know this has never been the case ... I am thus, like many of you, eagerly awaiting a release on DVD !
    mailrefuge I remember watching this show as a 10 year old. It was my favorite show. I was crushed when it got cancelled after only 1 season. I couldn't believe such a great show got cancelled while lousy Knight Rider ran on. How could a kid not like the adventure, the exotic locales, the Cutter's Goose? I looked for the show a few years ago online and couldn't find anything. I recently found a site doing a Google search. I purchase the DVD collection for old time sake, trying to relive the past. I figured it would never live up to my childhood memories.So far I've gone through about 8 episodes and wow!!! I find myself enjoying it as much as ever. Who would have thought that after more than 20 years.The casting as top notch, not like today where a pretty face is all that is required. Jake, Corky, Sara, Louie, Princess Koji, Jack and the Reverend were perfect. The chemistry between them is flawless. You can't help but like all the characters. The story lines are very 80's, simplistic but very enjoyable. The show has a subtle sense of humor I probably didn't appreciate as a youngster.Give me a beaten old seaplane over Kitt any day of the week.Drinks at the Monkey Bar are on me :)