The Untouchables
The Untouchables
TV-PG | 15 October 1959 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    mauricebarringer "The Untouchables" was my all-time favorite television program when I was a teenager. I ordered the 22 disc set and was surprised to find out that 14 of the episodes were either "The Muppets" or "Grizzly Adams." In addition, 8 other episodes were defective and stopped during the middle of the show."The Untouchables" I did see were as good as I had remembered, and I forgot how many wonderful actors participated in this trend setting television program. I do advise you to be careful if you purchase this wonderful television program that has held up so well despite being 47 to 50 years old.You can imagine my bewilderment when "The Muppets" and "Grizzly Adams" shows popped up on the DVD instead of "The Untouchables." I have tried unsuccessfully to contact them (orders@dvdavenue.TV) 12 times. I will never order any DVDs over the internet again.There is a website called problems with DVD avenue.TV where customers who have been cheated by this incompetent company post their grievances. I estimate about 175 people have posted their complaints.P.S. Since I last posted I have watched 8 more episodes of "The Untouchables" and 3 of them stopped during the beginning and could not restart. At least I have not had to view anymore episodes of "The Muppets" or "Grizzly Adams."
    snollen63 I have been a historian of 20th century American culture for more than 25 years, with a specialty in the 1920s-1940s, as well as a film historian and filmmaker. "The Untouchables" is just as accurate any other Hollywood dramatization of gangland lore. When you have to crank out an hour-long TV episode every week for several years, who can afford to do research 24 hours a day? This show was more or less as accurate as it possibly could be. It is the ONLY version of gangland culture I have seen that has included Dutch Schultz's unforgettable babble, "A boy has never wept, nor dashed a thousand Kim." Hell, that was enough for me. If you need my credentials, check out my newest book (my 15th), "Warners Wiseguys," a look at the classic Warner Bros. gangland world.
    possumopossum I bought the first series of DVDs yesterday and until then, I never knew there was a two-hour pilot movie about it. I always thought Robert Stack was a better Eliot Ness than Kevin Costner. Stack's Ness was more like a tough, no-nonsense federal agent while Kevin Costner played him more like a nerdy accountant. This used to be my dad's favorite show and, on nights when I didn't have school the next day, he would let me stay up and watch it with him. When I was in college, I caught it when it was in syndication. I hope they continue to put out these DVDs until they have the whole series out. I'm really looking forward to it.Life sure was simple back when this series first aired. You rooted for the good guys and hissed at the bad guys and you were glad, in the end, to see Capone and his cohorts get what was coming to them. It also shows that we have to be ever vigilant with our government officials so that this kind of evil cannot permeate our society. Great action-packed series and now lives forever in the DVD format. Now, if only THE FUGITIVE would come out on DVD.
    JRGach This "made for TV movie" was actually a 2-part episode titled "The Unhired Assassin". It was one of two "2-parters", the other being "The Big Train", a fictionalized account of the otherwise uneventful transfer of Al Capone from the Federal pen at Atlanta to the then new Alcatraz. There is actually a disclaimer that airs prior to the episode acknowledging that was indeed no misbehavior on the part of the prison guards as the episode(s) would suggest. Another popular myth: the voiceover introduction for the show(s) was done by Executive Producer Quinn Martin himself. It was actually Les Lampson, a weekend newscaster seen on KTTV in Los Angeles. Lampson retired from local TV in 1979.