Dog the Bounty Hunter
Dog the Bounty Hunter
| 31 August 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    HuskyEnzo Okay let's skip it: this is crap; or even lower. Aside of the whole "Wrestlemania"-issue (this serves the same customers) I've never seen such a no-brainer. I zapped through the channels one late night couple years ago and saw three episodes or so. I thought "...that can't be true...". To get arrested by those guys and seen that aired all over the world is truly "capital punishment". Pardon that poor subjects and set them free, they are branded for life. It's surely the only show, dumber than "Knight Rider".System requirements: IQ 20. From 50 upward there might be system-failures. Doesn't run on average brains.
    therubixtheory This is supposed to be entertainment, this.I don't see what the appeal is in a group of ugly, cheesy waterworld enthusiasts that never take off their sunglasses arresting hispanics.The show is clearly fake.they meet up with a victim, usually a woman and in both episodes i've seen they are hispanic, then torpedo boobs comforts her, the woman clearly cannot find a way to cry so opts to hide her face on her car seat, between her hands or in the mighty clasp of the torpedo boobs.although you can hear what the woman says her words are subtitled, is this a racist thing or do they think people really don't hear what she's saying.then they arrest the person at the end of the episode and all this hispanic couple do is hug and kiss, the man doesn't even try to get away, meanwhile Dog and the others spout some idealistic religious crap to make it seem like the only answer to this druggies way of life is taking on Christianity.Then get this, they choose themselves whether or not to have the guy arrested or set them completely free.This show is not only terrible, it's bad for the environment, because we've had 5 seasons of this group trail the streets in massive 4x4's.No redeeming qualities, clearly fake, clearly unscripted because i cant imagine any writer worth their weight in A4 paper would write for this show, and the characters look ridiculous.
    diecast_heart Dog is the man!! Bring back my Dog!Please??? My daughters and I cannot survive without his shows and we miss Beth, Leland, Duane Lee baby Lyssa, Tim & the whole crew!They are family to us. This is wrong to take this show off the air for a word that we all have used, and he used it in a private conversation! Freedom of speech America? Dog is a role model to my daughters who's 'father' denied them a few months ago. I'm a single mom, trying to put two girls thru college. Every Tuesday night we sat together to watch Dog. He's our hero. Please bring him back to us & the millions of other fans. Dog Chapman has done so much good for so many people , getting drugs off the streets and putting the drug dealers in jail.My girls have no role model now.Can't you see the this black,is that legal to say,girl is after any kind of money that she can get from Dog. And she's a schoolteacher buying minors drinks?? Oh yeah, real good character there.Thats what Dog was afraid of. He was trying to warn his son what kind of person she was. And the whole world interfered. Its none of our business what goes on during a private conversation between father and son.Would you like the world listening to your private conversations?
    Tommy Nelson I enjoy this show, however it is absolutely stupid. Dog is a bounty hunter. However, Dog can't fight. Dog has a horrible temper, along with his girlfriend (later wife) Beth. He often gets mad and yells at the people and then pretends like their good buddies. He carries mace around and sprays it in people's eyes. This show is entertaining to most, I'm sure, but it is a show full of simpleton idiots that I often can't stand. Sometimes the situations on the show seem almost soap opera or sitcom-y. It's a ridiculous show, and Dog is a bit uneven tempered, though he also seems like a nice guy, so I'm sure most will enjoy the stupid going ons. Dog My rating: ** out of ****. 60 mins.