| 28 June 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    ShelbyTMItchell Really for those that participate on this show you had to be really brave or really stupid in order to appear and try to make a fool of yourself despite it playing for money.You have to be really strong and really have the guts to make it through the obstacle course of all the shows that are given. As it not just involves strength but it also involves you being really movable and avoiding being slipping.As hard as it is to slip off the balls. But still, really it is so funny to see these people. Make a fool of themselves while they are having fun. Still I would not do that myself. As I do feel sorry for them.
    David Black I remember MXC quite fondly because of its ability to compliment the difficult and often times surreal "challenges" with funny, witty, or equally surreal commentary in general. The show flowed really well, and although it was absolutely stupid television, it was stupid television that knew what it was and played off of that very effectively indeed. Wipeout, on the other hand, is much dumber television without any of the charm or self awareness its predecessor had. The show is similar in that there are contestants putting themselves through an assortment of challenges, and it's hosted by two human males, but its similarities stop there unfortunately.If you're going to have a show with people talking constantly and without pause, you need to be sure those people are both entertaining, and have something relevant to say. The hosts on Wipeout have neither, and bombard the viewer with the most terrible of jokes that offer no benefit to the show whatsoever. They range from outright pathetic to mean to tasteless, which would be fine if they could be funny, but never have I heard a single thing from either of them that I felt needed to be said, or enhanced the experience in any way. I cannot stand hearing them talk, to the point that I NEED to mute the TV when it comes on, it isn't something I can tolerate even as background noise, as it does nothing but dampen my mood.The one good thing I can say about this show is that they sometimes have interesting or funny contestants, such as Ariel Tweto, but this too highlights how worthless and talentless the hosts and Jill whatshername actually are. They're constantly overshadowed by the no-names that put themselves through that torture and, rather than playing off of their characters as MXC would do, they in most cases insult them or offer some obvious poorly written crack about the situation they're in.This show is like a castrated, dull, tedious version of MXC, hosted by two Tom Bergeron-tier absolute existential failures. It's watchable if you mute it, but if you have a shred of human integrity, compassion, or a taste for humor outside of puns and douchebaggery, look very far away from here.
    cshep Instead of a show dedicated to having fun, watching people self-destruct in compromising situations is the lack of heart of this program. Where most shows used to have a "fair" contest to determine a winner, this show relies on diminishing the value of being human, and sacrificing what is left of their dignity to acquire a small purse.The dimwitted hosts John Anderson and John Henderson banter endless drivel designed to be humorous, becomes humorless in short time.Watching people run into hidden hydraulic false walls, bouncing off of giant red balls ,dripping in mud, and compromising what is left of their identity is the hallmark of this current version of entertainment.Sad commentary on sad people and a less than quality network, which Disney owns. This show is mean spirited and really has no place in todays society. Jill Wagner is the female stooge of the show, who gives a lame attempt to do colorful interviews with the contestants. Her limited talent is always on display.1 star out of 10 for being garbage.
    duckitsbrianwigg This show is TOO funny. first, if you haven't watched it, you got to, you will be hooked like a fish. i don't crack up a many shows, but this show right here, yes. I was rolling. I'm talking about my cheeks and abs were hurting like 15 minutes into the show. My wife was rolling too, and my son almost hit a back flip because of the ridiculousness these people go through. The two commentators are a good addition to the show. The female is just a pretty face with smart remarks, but she's a kind of funny.This show is like that Japanese show MXC, but in my opinion, smarter. In some of the courses, the obstacles are manually activated, and so, when the contestants approach still obstacles, little do they know, they're in for a face full of 'Boom'. Or, slammed into something and flinging into the water. This show is awesome!