TV-MA | 13 October 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    madpigmadpig So poorly written, I only made it through 1 episode - and I had to really try just to do that. The production value is fine (despite the student film looking color grade) and the acting is okay, but the characters are so mind blowingly stupid. I get they're trying to show how little psychological training people had so they can show story and character arcs, but being ignorant doesn't also lower your intelligence, make you full of yourself, and give you unsound judgment in every single aspect of life and work. Especially the protagonist, who is commented on by other characters as being insightful despite reacting to situations and ideas like a bag of rocks with hair that can somehow talk. Every crime-related situation he comes upon, he acts as though it's his first interaction with another human being and amazingly does not engage in any kind of meaningful inquiry or problem solving to try and figure out what's happening - and yet he acts as though he knows more than anyone else in the room. And, no, all of those theories were not invented in the 1970s. Couldn't one of the writers take just a single semester of Intro to Administration of Justice at a community college before writing this so they'd at least get something right? And for a show that's all about psychology, couldn't they have tried a little bit harder to write characters that are believable and internally consistent? Even The X-Files does a MUCH better job of portraying criminal psychology theories than this show does - and character writing too despite the fact that the protagonists on that show aren't always the sharpest tools in the shed either. If you want a really well made deep dive into these ideas, admittedly without the historical aspect, watch the 1986 film Manhunter instead of this show.
    mohammedbinhazza The idea and the story is very good .. the serial killers performance along with Bill's was very good in my opinion .. my favorite moments were the encounters with Ed Kimper the actor did a great job I felt genuinely terrified watching him speak .. however, I don't think I've hated a protagonist like I hated Ford I don't know if it's the writing or the actor but he seems like a robot that reads a script infront of him ..his conversation with deppie is souless and meaningless most of the time anything else could've been ignored but hating the protagonist is a dealbreaker .. I really wanted to love this show but I have to say I'm disappointed ..
    halinoordeen Genuinely confused as to why this series has acquired good ratings? It is insufferably boring from the outset .The problem is there is no captivating plot . It does not develop any sense of urgency/ thrill/ dread etc,no qualities that would draw you in and sustain interest . The characters simply drone on and on and on about banal psychological concepts in a multitude of obscure lecture halls. Hey I wasnt looking for a psychology tutorial , cause this is what this feels like . Fell asleep about 3 times while trying to plough through the first episode and vowed no more for me . If you're looking to be thrilled forget it ! This is akin to taking a sleeping pill , trust me !
    johnnyutah-97723 Great premise and cinematography, but... I mean this was addicting and with Fincher a must watch but seemed to be carried by his name and visual excellence, as opposed to great dialogue and more entertainment. I felt like there were 2 episodes where I had to keep watching, 1 was after they got all the money for funding. So I go to the next episode and it WASN'T even mentioned and started off on a totally different pointless tangent. I could tell from episode 1 not much was going to happen and it was going to cliff hang hard for a second season which it accomplished but I mean... come on, not necessary. Very weak in actual knowledge and insights. We get that no one really knew what they were talking about, but we should understand 45 years later. One minute they are ground breaking new terminology the next they are doing road school the next they are interrogating witnesses. The plot was weak and the fact this received a 96% on RT and True Detective season 1 got an 86% means that the world is officially upside down. So what is the second season of Mindhunter going to get? 126%? Doesn't make sense to me. I would personally give this first season a 69%. Debbie sucked Bill is the man Holden goes from being a young know it all, to a smug know it all.