Charlie's Angels
Charlie's Angels
TV-PG | 22 September 1976 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    sdeeemarie By far, 3 of the baddest women of the seventies. They were endlessly amazing, from their ability to perform whatever undercover occupation they were given, to staying beautiful throughout all the fights. There was amazing things about all of them, how Kelly always managed to have that tiny camera that took pictures of everything, how Jill's hair never lost it's curls, how Sabrina's voice managed to crack in a funny, cool way. Sabrina was the intellectual , charismatic angel, there was no way you could hate Sabrina Duncan, they were all smart but she was the brightest one, her brains got them out of many troubles. Like in Angels in Chains, it was her idea to pour the gasoline to confuse the dogs. Kelly was the sweet, streetwise angel, she grew up in an orphanage and knew every trick in the book, including how to get to an informant. Like in Dirty Business, she had the guy making the Little Bo Peep porn eating out of her hands. Jill was the beautiful, athletic angel, like in Angels on Wheels, and numerous other episodes like Ladykiller, and The Mexican Connection, she was pure athleticism and breathtakingly beautiful. They were smart, resourceful women who weren't just beautiful, they were smart and efficient, and they always got their man(or woman). I think my favorite part of the show was when that "de de de deeee" music would play, that would signal that you have been had by an angel. I have most of the episodes on DVD. The movie was okay, but Barrymore, Diaz, and Liu don't do these women justice.
    kennyg264 Farrah Fawcett was a huge part of the shows initial success. Some people may not remember that and want to re-write history or not give credit where it is due. No matter what your preference that is a fact. It was Farrah that sold 12 million copies of her poster. She is an American Icon. She brought a certain sexiness and charisma to the character of Jill Munroe. I was disappointed when she did not return to the series but ecstatic when she did the guest spots. Cheryl Ladd was absolutely the best choice to play Kris and saved the show. Jaclyn is a goddess and Kate is striking in her own right. Shelley Hack was a model before the show and added a scholarly feel to her character. And Tanya was just gorgeous. A great show, that I enjoy today. Farrah is my favorite actress so I am partial to Jill but I like them all. I am so thrilled to hear that Farrah has won her fight against cancer. I can't wait to see her beautiful face on TV again. Farrah Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
    roghache I ashamedly admit to quite regularly tuning in years ago to this weekly drivel myself, though even back when it aired, I was appalled by its totally sexist perspective. I'm definitely no feminist but as I'll discuss later, would certainly imagine this series to represent the very opposite of feminist goals. However, I do admit it was all quite mindlessly entertaining.The series portrays the adventures of three female police officers who are rescued from their mundane duties by a mysterious multi millionaire named Charles Townsend, who hires these gorgeous girls as operatives in his new private investigation agency. Charlie's assistant, Bosley, acts as a liaison with the ladies since the enigmatic Charlie never reveals himself in person. The three beauties, Sabrina, Jill, and Kelly, frequently go undercover as strippers, models, or whatever during the course of their investigations. When Jill leaves Charlie's agency to pursue an auto racing career, she is replaced by her younger sister, Kris. After Sabrina departs to start a family, she in turn is replaced by Julie and later by Tiffany.There wasn't a woman watching this show who didn't secretly wish she looked like one of these beautiful, curvaceous ladies. Kate Jackson played Sabrina, the 'smart angel' and often the brains of the operation. The blonde & bubbly Jill was portrayed by Farrah Fawcett and notable mainly for her hairstyle, which spawned a popular new look in the late 1970's. Kelly, the truly pretty & sweet one and the only angel permanent to the series, was played by the lovely Jacklyn Smith. Cheryl Ladd (who went on to do some pleasant little Danielle Steele TV movies) was cast as the perky and charming young rookie, Kris. My personal favourite was Julie, a street smart but classy New Yorker with an Ivy League education, played by Shelley Hack, who later starred briefly in another series, Jack and Mike. Finally, the role of the red haired model turned detective, Tiffany (whom I personally saw less of and never quite 'bonded' with), was given to Tanya Roberts.This series actually contradicts feminist philosophies, since it isn't really a show whose point is to depict that women can possess beauty, intelligence, and strength...all three. Instead, it's an excuse for displaying these gorgeous women in bikinis or other tight fitting clothing, and otherwise placing them in situations focusing on their sex appeal. The girls always wear beautiful designer fashions and however harrowing their circumstances, their make up never smudges, a nail never breaks, nor a single hair stray out of place. If you read the reviews here, you'll note that the common theme isn't the clever plots but how amazingly sexy these girls look in their bikinis! It's mainly all about the jiggle factor.Some claim that it does support the feminist cause since the angels are single, smart, independent, capable, and mutually supportive. These lovely ladies don't wait around for a man to rescue them when danger befalls, but instead depend upon each other. And that's the BEAUTIFUL woman is rescued by another BEAUTIFUL woman, not a plain or ordinary looking though equally bright, resourceful, and courageous female. In fact, these girls employ all their sexual wiles to their best advantage, more often than not using their looks and sex appeal rather than their wits to get themselves both into certain situations and out of others. However, all that being said, it's a generally fun & entertaining show to watch. There's mystery, assorted engaging adventures, occasional exotic locales, and an effective chemistry of friendship & co-operation between these female private investigators. Just bear in mind that it's yet another monument to women with lovely faces, perfect bodies, and gorgeous clothes.
    Troy Herman Charlie's Angels has always been and will continue to be my favorite TV show. A show with females in the lead as detectives? Flipping their hair, wearing fabulous clothes and being desired by men every week? I got it. Okay, now let's get down to the nitty gritty. By far and large most mild or avid "Angels" fans will fight tooth and nail defending seasons 1 - 3. These seasons starred Kate Jackson, Farrah Fawcett-Majors ( as she was known then ), Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd. Get over yourselves. These seasons felt so typical to me. Almost cookie cutter. Farrah ( my least favorite Angel ) was bubbly but in an annoying, nails on a chalk board way. Kate was far too masculine-esqe for the show. I am all for not wanting to be a bikini clad bimbo but c'mon. Cheryl Ladd never really gelled until season 4. With Kate out of there she had more of a chance to shine. Jaclyn Smith grew as an actress and was so gracious, lovely, composed, elegant and focused. Season 4 & 5 introduced my favorite Angels. The cultured, intelligent, tough, classy and gorgeous Shelley Hack ( Tiffany Welles ) and the even tougher, sexy, street raised and and flame-haired Tanya Roberts ( Julie Roberts ). These two are always put down, overly criticized or just plain forgotten. Neither were to blame for the downfall of the series. The show by the end of the 3rd season was down to the Top 30 and slipping. This was before Tiff & Julie joined rank. The shotty, poor, cringe enducing scripts and poor management of the show are to blame. Even Jaclyn and Cheryl have gone on record numerous time defending Shelley. As she seems the most beaten up. Some say she took the show to serious. When in reality it was the opposite. She didn't look at the show with such grandiose ideas like everyone else. Personally, I preferred the class and sass of Shelley & Tanya. They beat the stereo-type of the initial Angels. And also with Tanya the producers finally got the brunette, blonde & red-head they had wanted since the conception of the show. I ask you to take an unbiased look back at seasons 4 - 5. There are many wonderful qualities you may have missed.