Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
| 11 February 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Cortechba Overrated
    Executscan Expected more
    Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
    framptonhollis Although this comic gem may just seem like random trash to some people, others, like me, find all sorts of pleasure and entertainment out of this show's absurd style of comedy. It manages to make some nearly die laughing, and others just question the appeal of it all, and I cannot blame people who simply do not get it. Tim and Eric's style isn't for everybody, but I'm glad to see that there's plenty of people who are really into this surrealistic and hilarious show!While every episode has a basic theme throughout, and a lot of the time even some sort of basic plot structure, it's normally all over the place. It'll mix celebrity cameos with fake commercials with some skits that come across as just plain uncomfortable and unsettling. If you're a newcomer to the show, you must be warned that at times there will be a sketch that will make you CRINGE, whether it's the over exaggerated gross out sound effects or bizarre dialogue, there's definitely plenty here to make anybody feel just plain odd. But it's all just simply part of the journey that is "Tim and Eric, Awesome Show, Great Job!"The show also has a really satirical edge to it. There's plenty of sketches that are clearly mocking something, whether it be 90's television or even nature shows, they are absolute satirical masters! With all it's intentionally bad green screens, sharp satire, and just flat out uncomfortable scenes, "Tim and Eric, Awesome Show, Great Job" is truly something to behold!
    Capt Bligh I've been around the block a few times and one thing I have learned to appreciate is originality. In a television-land filled with mediocre humor copy cat shows (As an example, How many Family Guy rips off has there been through the years? American Dad, Cleveland Show, Bob's Burgers, etc. etc. etc.) Whether you like these copy cat shows or not, the fact is they are all the same style of humor. Whether you love the show or hate the show, you can't take away the fact that Tim & Eric Show is attempting to create something original and unusual, which is a very difficult thing to do. It is not the Genius of Chappelle Show, but it is the bizarre mood and weird tone of the show that makes it enjoyable, as opposed to the standard joke & punchline. My biggest suggestion, Don't Judge in the beginning and let the show grow on you and say to yourself when watching, is anyone else doing anything this gonzo, crazy or eccentric on TV? Tim & Eric is like the Doug Stanhope of TV shows. It's not for everyone.
    petecrimson00 I can honestly say I can deal with garbage humor, if it at least is funny! it seems like this show thinks they're so innovative by trying to make humor out of things that simply are not funny. Seriously, I have laughed harder at the people writing the reviews of this saying its genius than I ever will at this show. It's toilet humor, and it's not even funny toilet humor. Out of all the shows they could choose to put on, how this even is on the list amazes me. the "spinoff" with Steve Brule is just as bad, if not worse. Some seemingly mentally handicapped man saying stupid crap for 10 minutes. If you want an actually funny show, watch Loiter Squad. Not everything looks like it was filmed like a potato like with this show, and the humor makes sense. I would rather watch paint dry than this, and I'm not exaggerating. Horrible, 0/10
    sheepherder1234-1 Randomness can be funny when done correctly, however just being random doesn't automatically mean that something is funny. I watched numerous episodes on many different occasions to try to give this show a fair chance and to see what all of the fuss was about. What a waste of time. This show seems to be compiled of sketches where the writers feel that if they put down the first thing that pops into their head then it will automatically be funny.I've heard people describe this show as being "genius" or "ground breaking" and telling people that if they dislike it they just don't "get it" and must be into lame, predictable comedy. Hardly. This show is typically liked by hipsters who fancy themselves to be on the cutting edge of comedy and think that the more absurd or nonsensical something is, the more intelligent and genius it is. Kind of like people who go to modern art shows and rave about what a genius someone was for putting a snow shovel out on display as a work of art.The series is filled with just a bunch of random things happening that are supposed to be funny just because they're random. Here's an example: Two men are sitting in a restaurant having an orange juice drinking contest. One man, a plumber, drinks so much orange juice that he turns into a giant chicken. The other man, dressed as a graduate, drinks so much orange juice that he begins vomiting uncontrollably. Then the plumber-turned-chicken runs across the room and dives headfirst into a stack of yellow rubber duckies. The end. That was something I wrote off of the top of my head that is in a similar vein to the skits shown on this horrible series. Hardly genius, just completely stupid.As I stated earlier, randomness can be funny when it's done correctly (examples are Stella, Aqua Teen, and of course Monty Python, etc). Simply throwing a bunch of random things out there and calling it a comedy sketch is anything but funny or genius.