Danger 5
Danger 5
| 27 February 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
    tsc-60510 'Danger 5' is an attempt at an absurdist spoof of the myriad spy, war, and action movie tropes in our cultural consciousness. However in execution the show is a bizarre, self-indulgent and disjointed mess that never quite makes it to being clever or satirical and fails to make any more than superficial use of its source material. 'Danger 5' is the product of creator/writer/director/actors Dario Russo and David Ashby who we can only assume were given a Netflix series after some executive saw how much ad revenue their racist, sexist, one-joke self-published web series 'Italian Spiderman' (2008) made. As the show's auteurs, they probably saw films like 'Inglorious Basterds' or 'Team America: World Police' and, without understanding their satirical construction, thought it would be funny combine the two. The result, much like 'Italian Spiderman', is a painful, tediously amateurish production featuring actors attempting to create humor by overacting and mugging for the camera.'Danger 5' is a show that is in no way original or distinct except in its terribleness and is an unworthy entrant into the wonderful worlds of absurdist and Australian humor. It is the single worst thing I have seen in the last 10 years and represents the only time I have ever yelled at my TV.I would not recommend 'Danger 5'
    forrestvaughan I absolutely love this show. It's witty and clever and right on the nose. The model car and plane fight scenes put the hilarious camp over the top but it remains interesting and the novelty of the 60s TV show theme is not quick to grow stale. I know people who don't like this show for various reasons and I certainly think that you have to have the right sense of humor for it, but when you do, its a total riot. The second season is not quite as appealing to me as it takes a turn for the random more often than not but I see its merits and it still has me laughing often enough. I think that this is one of the most underrated shows of all time and cannot recommend the first season enough If you don't like it by the first two episodes however, it will probably never appeal to you. I just got my Danger 5 patch in the mail the other day.
    jimmybsilva One of the best show I have watched recently. Reminds me of team America but with people. Everyone I have recommended the show always says they have enjoyed it. The show is great I hope they make more seasons as I am hooked on it. The girls in the show are also really good looking and they do such a great job with the theme of the show. What intrigues me the most is that they made the show so different from other shows. The producers of the show did such a great job making it funny, sexy and a lot of action. This is the first time I review any movies or shows so that should show much I enjoyed this show. When you first watch it you look at the graphics and you think its low budget but then you start to realize that's part of the show and it you fade into the world of Danger 5, and like always "Kill Hitler!!!"
    metroskyradio Australia's Danger 5 is strangely funny. The special effects are right out of The Thunder Birds and cheesy, and are meant to be. The jokes are corny, funny, and rely on a lot of sight gags. Needless to say Hitlers talking dog is a bad puppet character that is really hilarious and the episode with Nazi Dinosaurs (who were armed) had me laughing so hard I couldn't get my breath. Even things in the background are funny. The "Danger 5" are spies of International makeup. A lot of language is actual French & German so the show is subtitled and even this is funny. Danger 5 is Thunder Birds meets Allo, Allo, with a large dose of Team America World Police, bad scripting thrown in for good measure. I watched this Australian TV import with my wife, who has no sense of humor, and even she thought the show was entertaining. I'll leave it at that !