TV-14 | 10 April 1992 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    emmasharris I love this series. Nick berry was brilliant in this series it was a pity he left in series 7. The theme song was so catchy. I didn't like Niamh Cusack I found her a pain in the neck. It was a horrible way of killing her off. Nick's new wife Jo was such a pain in the neck. Never understanding a thing. God I don't know why he even married her. Derek Flowds should cool off when he retires from been a sergeant . Mike who took over from Nick seemed nice enough however I find all the things that happen in HeartBeat there is never a new plot. Okay I love the TV series and the theme tune but really why make the police officers look so dumb it is not right.
    HARRY LARSSON This is such a nice TV series that gives You a warm feeling of the past about a small village in England during the sixties.Mainly stories concerning the inhabitants of the village Aidensfield - just outside Whitby - not too far from Yorkshire where the "head" characters is from the local Police-station, the pub and also the gas-station with a firm of undertaker which is a garage/funeral-service at the same time.A "innocent" version of today You might say.Has everything from Humor to drama calm and beautiful scenery as well as action with excellent actors indeed :-)
    palexandersquires There is a new Sergeant in Adensfeild, and he is a strict man! he is played by John Duttine of my previous Review! he came into the peaceful Police Station, and what is the first thing that he does? he does not say Hi, I am your new Sergeant, if you have any problems you know where my door is" No, he makes more problems for the policemen at Adensfeild, by threatening to close the Police house. and he did not approve of the tip off to Robert Walker ,P.C.Walker to you and me, about a robbery that was going to take place at that stately home. It is always the same when you get a new boss, (He/She) does things differently to the previous boss. I wonder how Merton would of handled that tip off? John Duttine is still a brilliant actor after all this time, since 1981! People power showed Sgt miller that they were not going to let him close the police house. I remembered the Ford Zeypher 6 police car from when I was a child and I laughed out loud at the condition it was at the end of the trail period. it was not the gleaming prize car but a wrecked one! and the chief constable was looking on at it!!! there was a good technical description of the car's engine by the beautiful Rose, that mechanic a V6 twin carburettor engine under that bonnet. this gives the car a very fast 100 M.P.H. speed if it is needed. I like Gina in the Adensfeild arms pub and Oscar Blaketon it was a shame that he had to retire from being a Sergent due to a heart attack if viewers remember. I also think that Ventress is a good civilian to have in the Police station he did not do much work when he was a copper, but he is making up for it now, by answering the phones. I also can see my Bush radio in the police house! the old VTR 130! mine is the tr82/97.and is a reproduction and is available at Index for £25! I also like the music on this programme. it shows us the golden age, when people respected each other more those days, and life was at a slower pace then. None of this rushing about, trying to get things done! If I had a time machine, I would go to 1960, up to 1969 and stop there.
    Castor-11 If you like Brit drama/comedy(or even if you don't, particularly) then you'll go for this ongoing prime-time soap opera set in an English country village - unlike the "Street" the accents render the dialogue comprehensible, so I cannot tell you the location.The characters are diverse, interesting, and believable. "Heartbeat"'s hero, an ordinary British bobby is neither Sherlock Holmes nor Dirty Harry...he simply gets the job, done, dealing with from poaching to blue murder through daylight robbery, as does the series,itself. The episodes are distinguished by low key writing resulting in high-key entertainment.I never discuss the acting in any given review, and sometimes wonder why other reviewers bother to. I assume that the cast in any production is performing splendidly. After all, if you're in the 4 % of the thousands of aspiring actors who actually make a living at their craft, you gotta be good!