Legion of Super Heroes
Legion of Super Heroes
TV-Y7 | 23 September 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    adonis98-743-186503 The adventures of a young Clark Kent, as Superman, during his time with a team of teenage superheroes in the far future. The problem with this show is that it had some nice episodes and then some not so great i didn't hated or anything is just that some of the characters are just kind uninterested and you can't support someone that you don't know but i have to say when Superman grew up i loved the way he looked it was a nice show it had cool moments, good fights a nice team but other than that it's not something to go crazy about at least it wasn't like God's and Monsters now that was awful this one is actually pretty nice and funny when it wants to be. Legion of Super Heroes is a good show especially for Superman fans.
    koriandr_star I could never understand it, what went wrong? What did Batman: TAS and Justice League/unlimited both have in common? A respective display of teamwork, good dialogue and visual display of characters that made the show look it was aiming to reach more than just children. Both of the two shows excelled in art and a respectable script. The legion of super heroes is a blatant attempt to cash in on the teen Titans. And I only liked that show because at the start of the season its episodes were telling but it went downhill, all too willing to settle for melodramatic one shot story episodes in later seasons. It was still good though, Slade helped add the serious tone and each character actually had character development.The legion of superheroes falls flat for two key reasons: The first is that the legion was poorly depicted in JLU anyway and that many like me expected supergirl to appear in the legion series as to continue from the JLU.The second, that with other then the name of bouncing boy being really lame, it's not really about the legion but a shameless hero worship and let's all relay on superman/teen or whatever. There is no real foe or a villain worthy enough to be superman's rival, given superman: TAS and JLU gave us darkseid, one can only imagine who could fill the next big villain boots. Answer? No one.The animation is awful, whatever happened to shows that made decent attempts in detailed drawings? Surely the legion has more talented heroes then the names already given, a lot of the characters are very generic, no defining element? Thin bodied and all big heads? That's the art style as a whole with powers and such that you would have already seen it all before and kids would have as well. Again it doesn't help when it's all about superman, if DC wants to expand with their media then they have to do more, not just focus on lesser characters but give those the characters the decent animation drawings, plot and script they need.
    swansongang I don't know what times this show airs (I've watched episodes online), but man, it feels like the older Saturday-Morning Cartoons. Right from the flashy, Incredibles-ish theme music, to the often times corny Superhero dialogue.And I love every second of it!After Teen Titans went off, I'd hoped to find another really good superhero show. This is it! If you are expecting Teen Titans, though, this is not it. A different animation style, different feel, basically everything is different. But different is not a bad thing. Whereas Teen Titans had both its very dark story lines (at times) and its uber-comedic moments, Legion sticks to a straight-forward classic superhero feel. Save the world (or rather, the galaxy).Throw into this whole scenario of nostalgia, a bunch of easter eggs/homages for fans of all things DC (especially Superman). Very rich girl named A-LEX-is, who has a special interest in Superman, and later gets her whole head of hair burnt off (not permanently, mind). Hmm...wonder who that could be. On an episode where a being called Drax gets out of the Phantom Zone, he pulls out some unexplained weakness of Clark's (a green rock of some kind) and answers to some supreme being that appears to want out of the Phantom Zone. Could it be...nah....I had my doubts at the first episode, I will admit, although I stuck through. First episodes usually leave me in doubt. I don't think I've met a cartoon yet that I've loved since Episode I. But most cartoons that I've actually wanted to check out, I've been happy after the first episode. Legion is no exception. LONG LIVE THE LEGION! (Oh, by the way, the first season finale was AWESOME, and season 2 looks like it could be just as much a winner.)
    parka-boy First off let me start by saying this is most definitely not a Justice League it doesn't even come close to being in the same Galaxy. I'm not a fan of the childalization of super heroes and this is a show confirms my feelings that it's just a stinky thing to do. The show seems to depend heavily on the popularity of superman and should be called something like "super tweeny man and his amazing lackluster friends from the future" The rest of the legion of super kids are very much unremarkable much as the entire concept of the show. Just say no kids and perhaps they will scrap this pile of don't, don't bother and give us some real super hero action