Little Britain
Little Britain
| 16 September 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Steineded How sad is this?
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    RaspberryLucozade It shames me to have to admit to this but I used to find 'Little Britain' hilarious. That, my friends, was when I was 13 years old. Matt Lucas and David Walliams were a double act who shot to fame after appearing together on 'Rock Profile'. In 2003, they devised a pilot for a sketch show, which as we all know was 'Little Britain'. A full series followed and it instantly became a huge hit, though we can but wonder why.The show's recurring characters - obnoxious school-girl Vicky Pollard, homosexual in denial Daffyd Thomas, wheelchair bound Andy Pipkin and his harassed carer Lou among others - all look like rejects from 'Harry Enfield & Chums'. As a double act, Matt Lucas and David Walliams were so dire they made Rod Hull & Emu look like 'Morecambe & Wise'. To date, the only half decent thing Matt Lucas ever did was star in a series of commercials for Cadbury's Creme Eggs ( I'm sure he's very proud to have this on his C.V ). Tom Baker narrated each edition. Was he really so desperate for work he stooped so low as to voicing linking material for sketches ( and not even funny ones at that ) for such a crass comedy show?Good comedy in this day and age is so few and far between. As I write, the BBC are already planning revivals of old classics such as 'Keeping Up Appearances, 'Are You Being Served?' and 'Porridge'. It has now gotten to the point where comedy writers are so desperate for new ideas that they are resorting to doing remakes. The thing about these old shows are they worked at the time because they were unique. People seldom take to updated revivals.Three series were made, after which 'Little Britain' was wiped off the map. Lucas and Walliams parted company not long after. On the subject of remakes, David Walliams is apparently in mind for the leading role of Lurcio in a remake of 'Up Pompeii'. I can't see it working. Frankie Howerd managed to pull off the role in the original for one vital reason. He was funny!
    hr-boege-546-170392 well i have been watching some episodes of little Britain yesterday. so what can i say about it? at the beginning it was a bit entertaining, i didn't laugh (don't like the jokes or get them), but i was entertained in a good way. but that soon stopped after a few episodes, because they began repeating the jokes. they even had the same dialogue in two of the village gay sketches, the only difference was his clothes (thats really cheap). but i did like the acting. the two main actors does a good job in all their roles. when i compare this show too other sketch shows i have been watching (most of them German), this is by far the best one. if you get the humor you will enjoy it, some of my friends do, and they really enjoy the show. but if you don't get the humor, i can only recommend it if, you have a hangover and just want to watch some brain dead TV.
    neil-arsenal Well, face it.If I was to go on TV and say 'hey look at me, I'm Matt Lucas' and start shoving bananas up my bottom...people, quite rightly would be outraged. Even if I said all gay men loved Madonna and hated football I would be in trouble.However he feels it's OK to show disabled people as mentally slow and annoying, Men who marry women from Russia or Thailand as all desperate and the women as ladyboys.This show likes to mock the elderly, the obese, the poor and anyone 'different'.At times it can be funny but a little cruel.Now Matt, where did I put those Madonna CD's you wanted? Want to see a much funnier UK sketch show? Watch 'The Fast Show'.
    kclambeth I think this programme is overrated, it seemed like everywhere i went people were talking about it, so naturally i watched an episode. it was okay, there were a few laughs here and there, but after a couple of episodes it got boring, it's just recycled gags and basic toilet humour and David Walliams in a dress! Vicky Pollard is funny and i do know girls like her (God help us all) but just like the real Vicky Pollards, they are not funny forever and the other sketches are the same, how long can he be the only gay in the village and keep saying he is the only gay in the village? The characters are grotesque versions of real people, which seems a good idea for comedy but after a while the level of comedy is so basic that i forget to laugh because you've seen it all before.I understand it has an audience but it's definitely not worth the hype, feel the same way about this as i do Catherine Tate 'Am i bothered?' 'Yeah but no but yeah...' it's all so repetitive. there are far superior sketch shows, older ones like Monty Python's flying circus is inventive, artistic and new for the time, if Little Britain represents Modern Britain, god help us all.