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60 Days In
TV-14 | 10 March 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    phenomina23 This IS a show about reality and it is on television but this has never been done before, not like this. An unprecedented look into the broken system that needs fixing, more needs to be done to bring the horrible conditions prisoners face to light. This show makes you see that people who are incarcerated are people too and being locked up does nothing to help anyone or anything. We need more shows like this so we can open up a dialogue and make changes, not to exploit the prisoners but to better conditions.
    Zachary Williams This show is truly despicable, as it does nothing but glorify a hateful "culture" and minimalizes the true horrors one faces in the system. It turns reality into shallow "gameshow", with no accountability. It claims to help the system by revealing the true nature of such an environment yet it is clear that no one involved is unaware of the cameras. To be objective and gain understanding what is observed must remain unaware of observation. A basic principal of science and morality. This show reinforces bad behavior and ultimately is the very representation of everything wrong with American society. If we ever hope to move forward in this world we must never allow shows like to survive; unscathed and without criticism. However I understand the nature of humanity is at the core stupid and repetitive there is little hope any change would be found, not even so far as to cancel this show. Which is the bare minimum that could be asked.
    roguecritic42 Come on people, REAL participants PRETENDING to be inmates, at risk of getting killed.This is truly the best reality TV I have ever watched. I've never seen so many episodes filled with such dramatic tension, as we glued our eyes to the TV wondering what kind of shenanigans the inmates would be up to this week.What else can I say? The producers and everyone involved in making this show did a superb job. The cameras and mics set up in an inmate population managed to capture all the drama perfectly for a TV audience.The only thing I had against this show is that you should feel guilty watching it.I mean these are real innocent participants who enter a prison and could be beaten or killed. I think there is something moral involved with not wanting to watch it for the sake of the safety of innocent people.But once you get over that hurdle, it is a show of the best entertainment drama.Update: After watching the finale, we learn what is in store for Season 2 and I already can't wait to start watching again. Best show ever. Thank you Sheriff Jamey Noel. If I ever meet you, it would be an honor to buy you a beer.
    BlobbyLight And here it is folks, the absolute lowest possible common denominator of American society. In fact, a real inside look at how Americans actually are today. Mingle a jaywalking parking ticketer with a crackhead serial killer who wont allow you to use the "day room" WC, why not?! Remember, this is JAIL, not prison (which is far better, or worse, depending on your racial, religious, financial and judicial connections, of course) .. so while we're "innocent until proved guilty" in the "land of the free", this is where you spend your time waiting for that to happen... days in the crazy retard drunk tank ward, weeks in segregation, months, possibly years, awaiting bureaucratic justice, meanwhile forced to eat tax funded pig slop and/or a bag of chips for $14.99 (all of which $ goes into private contracted citizens pockets, I might add) . So yeah, since all of these people are at a stage of judicial "innocence", why not throw in some tax funded "reality" investigative spy TV heh"?! What a "justice" system we the "brave" have for ourselves in the first world millennial year 2016. Progress, it ain't.