Ink Master
Ink Master
TV-14 | 17 January 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
    Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    metalrage666 I've watched enough episodes over several seasons now to realise that the tattooing in Ink Master seems to play second fiddle to the bitching, backstabbing and outright bullying that constantly goes on within the show. This is a show about multiple tattoo artists from all over the U.S, competing for the grand prize of $100,000, a feature in Ink Magazine and "title" of Ink Master. We're reminded of this every single goddamn time the show airs, and the artists all have to react like they're hearing it for the first time. Also I'm not sure how official the title of "master" is, but it's a TV show so, reasons!Basically artists compete in what they call a Flash Challenge, whereby they are given a set amount of time to show what they can do using their skills as an artist. This Challenge can be anything from painting a design on a helmet, carving, graffitiing a wall or specific use of black & grey and the winner of this challenge not only gets first pick at their human canvas, but also gets to allocate the other guinea pigs to the remaining tattoo artists, deliberately trying making it harder for some in the hope that they'll fail and be eliminated. With the elimination tattoo, artists are given anywhere from 6 hours to 12 hours with which they come up with the best design within the parameters of the set theme, which may be a horror theme, traditional, pin-up girls etc. There's usually a top 2 and a bottom 2, until they get all whittled down to bare-bones and there's only a handful left.If this were the show in its entirety then I could really get into this and enjoy it, as I like tattoos and the work involved. Some artists fail due to the pressure or lack of experience while others thrive, however some artists may not have the skills in all areas to qualify as an "ink master". Apparently for that you need to be perfect at ALL types of tattoos and not just the ones you specialise in, even if you happen to run your own parlour.The biggest draw-back for me is the constant bullying and bitching that goes on between the artists when they all return to their apartment. They sit around and usually gang up on someone that they feel either doesn't belong there, or can't draw, is a one trick pony, is a "jerk" or one that really blew me away, doesn't have any visible tattoos themselves!I can't help but feel like I'm watching a bunch of schoolyard bullies all making fun of the fat kid, the skinny kid, the kid with glasses, the nerd or the redhead and this is because the others either feel threatened by a particular artist, or they disagree with the judges critique of their recent work as somehow being better or worse than the artist they don't like or don't respect. It's this bitching and conniving that detracts from just wanting to see some great work. If I wanted to see a group of idiots with their panties in a bunch over largely nothing or simply because they don't like someone, I'd watch The View instead. I remember one artist actually said that this is a competition so why would he not do anything he can to win? The others just sat around and insulted him. Others go so far sometimes to actually threaten with violence. How is that even legal? Plus I happen to agree that if it's a competition and you win something, why wouldn't you do what you can to make it easy for yourself to progress further? There are no trophies for martyrdom, I don't see any point in falling on your sword just so you can look like a nice guy, so other artists should really learn to just shut their mouths, grow up and get on with it. It's an OK show and if you can ignore the childishness and some of the obvious staged dramatics, you'll enjoy it as some of the finished work is quite good.
    xchromosomosapian This is like watching angst-ridden teenagers of the 90's, that have aged and forgot to change their clothing style, try to make it in 2016. The hosts spend way too much time getting hair and makeup done. Dave's and Chris' ever-changing bangs and clipper designs on the side of their heads make even a 15 year old girl's hairstyle seem constant. The tattooers are dressed in Hot Topic clothing and are caricatures of the "cool kids" they associated with in high school or saw on some TV show aimed at teenagers. Spike TV found a way to make tattoos cookie-cutter by putting total tools on TV that would otherwise be playing dungeons and dragons and/or magic if they didn't decide to hang out at a tattoo shop. This show actually motivated me to have all of my tattoos removed. When tools and douches are getting tats, it makes me hate to have ink all the more. The only reason I began to watch this show was because of the soft spot I have in my heart for Janes Addiction. The show was cool at first but this season just made me nauseous. They couldn't have put a greater number of total douches in the same room if they had an open casting call for it. Even that girl that is sort of hot with the neck tattoos came off as a total douche nozzle. I went from wanting to bang her to developing a hatred for her as I struggled through the first episode. I'm moving on from this show.
    bellab1972 The concept of Ink Master is excellent if you like tattoos but there is nothing good about this show! The judges are imbeciles, absolute imbeciles! Nunez is so biased it's beyond annoying especially when he himself is not a good tattooist! In one season it was obvious he "liked" a female contestant who should have gone home many times but because of Nunez thinking with his little head, she stayed in the competition! Navarro has a few tattoos which doesn't make anyone an expert on tattooing so his opinions are worthless! Most viewers want to see tattoos but the majority of the show is based around drama and arguments which spoils the show! Every season there seems to be some really nasty women and rival male contestants which I don't find necessary! It's a tattoo competition, not a soap opera but the producers think we want to see drama, which spoils the show! The challenges prior to the actual tattooing are ridiculous! I couldn't care less if someone can weld, spray paint or carve when selecting a good tattooist because there is NO correlation or indication whether a person can tattoo and these stupid challenges! I really wish the producers would lift their game and get reliable talented judges, stop the stupid irrelevant challenges, concentrate on the actual tattoos and select people who have real talent instead of the hacks they have on the show now! Again, it's a great concept but it fails miserably with its terrible content!
    D.R. Sadigur I love reality competition shows. I am also fascinated by the art tattooing, albeit thus far I am an abstainer. The first season was the best--huge egos but genuine talent. (My favorite did not win.) Since then the show has devolved to showcasing some of the nastiest, untalented people on TV. The number of bleeps per episode is irritating; the talent sub par. Is the industry so tapped out that this is the best it has to offer? I also wonder about the psychological stability of the human canvases, many of whom are left with truly ugly, permanent "artwork" on their bodies. In the latest episode, these canvases wanted a anatomically-correct human heart morphing into either a lion, clock or hand grenade. Really? Are they paid to do this or just guaranteed a cover-up on the series Tattoo Nightmares?