| 19 January 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
    Ndoggy26 Why is there only one season of this show!? This show rocked me to the core :) "Joel voice" I realize I'm a couple years late to the party but I really like this show. The animation is great, the voices are great, characters are great and it's funny with a side of warm heartening lessons thrown in there mix. I'm 31 so it reminds me a little of Beavis and Butthead without the music videos. I like how Gary and Joel are best buds and they're so positive about all kinds of aspects of life. I'm done but I need ten lines of text to officially make a review of a show so I guess I will add in that I really hope this show makes a comeback.Anyways, if there's anything I can do to help bring this show back just tell me where to sign!
    sydboy007 I have to say that unsupervised is one of the best shows of 2012.Gary and Joel are so naive in the way they see the world, but it's refreshing to see a world that has such wonder and possibilities.The show has the social commentary like south park, but with less of the in your face, and more of the oh I didn't think of that.Each episode gives me a good laugh, but also leaves me with some thoughts about modern society.I'm sort of jealous of Joel and Gary. There's still magic in the world for them.If you liked the life and times of Tim, I'm sure you'll enjoy unsupervised.
    Branden Findeisen I had to write a quick review because I was blown away at some of the completely exaggerated negative reviews by some. Going in, I had no huge expectations, but I like the list of voice actors and producers, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised. I think it is somewhat accurate when people say it's almost like a 'feel-good' Beavis & Butthead story; but I like it! I think Hornsby and Long do well to make the viewer like their playfully ignorant characters. To me, the main things that stood out after watching to first few episodes were likable and interesting characters, but also the animation. I know some have been negative about the animation, but I was personally blown away by it. I definitely think it is one of the highlights of the show. All in all, it's definitely worth watching the first few episodes. I know after I did, I immediately put 'Unsupervised' on my DVR and can't wait until the next episode!
    rivetedtotv So many words come to mind when I think about this stupid show and it pains me to insult words even describing how much I want this waste of time to be canceled but I signed up just to lash out against this and anything the down sliding Always Sunny in Philadelphia people try to come up with from now on. I used to be a fan of these guys. They took a low budget idea and made it sort of big. Then they gave David Hornsby a free hand and watch what he does. He comes up with How to be a Gentleman which had the distinction of not being Work It, otherwise it died a similarly deserved death. Now he brings Beavis & Butthead easy listening to FX, a usually edgy cool network, and pisses all over its viewers. Any dicks trying to compare this to Archer, Louie or any innovative show on FX is either a dimwit and has no idea what they're watching, or they work for Hornsby or have friends who do. Do yourself a favor and watch something else. This show doesn't deserve any support from the FX viewer ship at all.