TV-14 | 02 February 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    PodBill Just what I expected
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    kostarasg Really liked the cinematography, the actors are excellent but the plot... god... not even near decent...
    Bene Cumb This century has generated and produced so many distinct TV series that one would inevitably become "spoilt" by them, you become picky and demand fluent and smooth course of events, lots of twists and turns, and sharp focusing on the approach or topic you prefer. I, for example, withstand some mysticism in the background, but wrongdoers should be'of flesh and blood' and the crimes should be using wisdom and attentiveness, not a divine hand or someone from outer space...So, to me, Whitechapel had some pain to kick start, and the first 2 seasons seemed protracted and vague; references to old mysteries did not clarify present matters, but added odd comparisons and hectic events. True the cast was distinct, to be followed with interest and sympathy, particularly Phil Davis as D.S. Ray Miles and Steve Pemberton as Edward Buchan (at first, Rupert Penry-Jones reminded me of Monk too much). Nevertheless, I decided to watch all 4 seasons in sequence, and began to somehow plunge into their mood and depiction manners, trying to "skate over" long time lags and playful mysticism... A case per 2 episodes seemed good to me, the events became catchier, but the final case (4/3) did not round up the Series in a reasonable manner, just added confusion about the possible Season 5 that has never come into existence.Thus, "only" 7 points from me, as the UK series like Luther or What Remains have been more to my taste. But still a good work, better than many US related series.
    Ellen Murphy If you plan on watching this drama don't do what I did and watch (especially the last episode of the three) on your own in the dark as I managed to terrify myself. The acting was superb and Rupert entry Jones was excellent as the lead. He played the main police officer in charge of the ripper murders, Joseph Chandler. This poor guy really has a lot to deal with first there is the disrespect and resentment from his fellow officers, then he has to deal with his snooty boss who doesn't believe him and then he gets blamed by the press for not acting quicker. No wonder he is constantly rubbing headache oil on his temples. A sterling performance by Jones which is reason itself to watch this. Phil Davis was also good as Chandler's second in command but at the start he did get on my nerves. The murder's themselves were very gruesome and graphic so if your squeamish then I don't recommend this. This drama is historically accurate in itself, from the information given by the Ripper expert (or Ripperologist as Miles constantly calls him)to the way the murders are carried out. There are things which are a bit far fetched such as the package containing the kidney on one of the women was sent to Miles' house and has managed to get through the entire postal service with out revealing what is inside, gets to his kitchen table and spontaneously starts bleeding. Also the amount of flashes from all the photographers in the pathology labs was ridiculous. The ripper himself was not fully revealed which was a bit disappointing but a the biggest twist was who he was posing to be and that they had met him several times where he seemed completely sane and normal. Altogether this was a great drama from ITV even if it did creep me out.
    jacquelinekennedy "Whitechapel" is rather like a Dan Brown novella. What it lacks in actual writing talent, it more than makes up in storyline.The previous commenter skewered this 3-part ITV crime drama, a modernist re-do of the Jack the Ripper murders, but the high scores (9.0 out of 10 at time of writing) tell a different tale. Those who are watching are clearly enjoying this fast-paced, oddly dark series. I suspect this is a reflection on other lacklustre series offered today, as much as its own qualities, but equally it could be because of its ambitious narrative. It's one of those programmes which charms the viewer despite its flaws.Rupert Penry-Jones, he of Spooks/Cambridge Spies and son of television grande dame Angela Thorne, leads a cast of unevenly talented actors who have been given the impossible task of updating the Jack the Ripper murders. But it's not just the crime which has been updated, but for once, so has the copper.Like many "paper cops", who have more education than experience, DI Joseph Chandler (Penry-Jones) seems a bit wet to his hard-bitten colleagues in the force. His Savile Row suits, David Beckham haircuts, fashionably large Tag Heuer Grand Carrera Chronograph Calibre 17 watch (Penry-Jones is a big Tag fan), as well as homeopathic remedies for tension -- a mint pomade for the temples -- scream out metrosexual for these 'lager and crisps' men. It's all too much when he asks them to shower and look more respectable in a suit, not to mention actually read whole books on the Ripper murders, which they reluctantly do.East Londoner extraordinaire, DI Miles (Philip Davis), especially doesn't like this new state of affairs. It's possible that he sees a future when policemen will be more like Penry-Jones than the rogue-copper-with-a-heart-of-gold version he represents; he constantly refuses to acknowledge the lad may have some good ideas. His colleagues agree, save for one DI Chandler wannabe, played by Sam Stockman. With his off-the-peg suits, and "crapuccinos" (as they are teasingly referred to by others), it seems even the lower orders may desire a more polished style.The series is never bogged down by details of the old Ripper saga, perhaps due to the eccentric Ripperologist who hovers around the story, played to the hilt by the excellent Steve Pemberton. Could the mastermind of the modern Ripper murders, replicated to the exact detail, be none other than a man whose entire life is dedicated to Jack the Ripper? Or perhaps like an Agatha Christie murder, the obvious is too, well, obvious? Whitechapel may have any number of flaws, not the least of which are hackneyed character development, seeming like a cross between Prime Suspect, Morse and cult-classic Edge of Darkness, but it packs a very intriguing punch all the same.