Little Britain USA
Little Britain USA
| 28 September 2008 (USA)

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    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Wordiezett So much average
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    allodcarallo I've seen Monty Python,Black Adder,The Young One's,etc. And at last i'm finding English humor back on course again.Of course we've got Shameless(When it comes back etc.)But this is REAL British humor,understood by some,and loathed by a lot more!The people from the USA are not used to strong humor,or nudeness(The nipple of J.Jakson of example)And the English humor is maybe to strong for them,but as the USA is soooo BIG there will be a lot of people out there laughing the heads off!!! Or like the internet calls it LOL!!Please watch this series with an open mind.The T.V. was made to entertain people,and this series does just that!!!It's get's all those things out your head for work etc.It makes you laugh,and you just forget about it all!! I've just found out why the American's can't find all the scech's funny because a lot of them are cencered.The one of the two guy's playing in the changing-rooms they are censered BUT the "THINGY" was only 2cm long!!!!Now I now,so you American people watch this great series in the English version of it.It comes uscensored.Enjoy
    Thomas Hardcastle I really like the three series of Little Britain (the British version). They're in no way my favourite comedy show (South Park, Family Guy, The Office, Extras, Spaced, Brasseye and Big Train all come above it), but as far as sketch-show comedy goes, the original series was pretty good.Watching Little Britain USA, I can't help but feel disappointed that many people will not like it, therefore they will not want to visit the original British series, which I think is so much better than this.The jokes are more immature than before, and some of them simply are not funny. Overall, the show still generates laughs and is enough to pass the time in a semi-pleasant way. Just don't go expecting award-winning comedy this time around.
    Erin Madsen I loved the original Little Britain and was prepared to really like LB:USA since HBO's got a track-record of nurturing good writing. But, here's the thing: the laugh track in the original serves (at least in my opinion) as a bit of double-irony. The jokes are puerile and play on basic stereotype. They're easy to laugh at already. No laugh track required, so its addition works as a counterpoint to the irony. Not so in the American version; it actually feels like a degradation of the jokes. Or maybe I'm overthinking this thing. Tell you what. If you've seen and liked Little Britain, you'll like Little Britain: USA, because it's god-damned funny and Tom Baker still does the narration. If you've never seen it, try it. But don't act like you didn't know it's not American-style. The word Britain's right there in the title.
    brettster To begin with, I'm a major fan of Little Britain. I consider these guys to be geniuses, on par with Monty Python when it comes to English humor. I own all of their works on DVD and have seen the sketches numerous times. So what happened in the transition from the UK to the USA? We happened to them. For as many great comedies HBO has produced -- The Larry Sanders Show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Mr. Show, et al. -- somebody at the pay channel really fumbled in bringing this classic British duo to Yankee turf. Here's what happened: they added the clumsiest, most fake-sounding laugh track in the history of television to the soundtrack. WHO thought it was necessary to do this? It sounds like rubbish! I'm talking great hysterical frenzies of laughter, even at the most subtle of jokes (which I know is rare in Little Britain territory). It was so painful to watch the first episode, I abandoned it a quarter of the way through. I really hope they will tone it down in future -- I have been looking forward to Little Britain USA for such a long time, it is terribly dispiriting to see what HBO has done with this grotesque soundtrack.