Mortal Kombat: Legacy
Mortal Kombat: Legacy
TV-MA | 12 April 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    markr_smith I'm generally enjoying the overall feel of these series (i'm halfway through season 2) in that the acting is OK, the script isn't terrible and the fight scenes are half decent... but i'm getting a little lost with the whole thing. It's nice to see the character's back stories and I understand that the whole Mortal Kombat universe is a bit of a mixed bag anyway, but I was expecting this series to bring a bit of continuity to it all. Would that really be that hard?Instead we get changing actors from season 1 to season 2, the timelines are all over the place and the back stories get changed from one minute to the next: they completely did a 360 from Rebirth to the Kitana/Mileena story with regards to Baraka - Raiden jumps from being in an insane asylum with no powers (and being white) to being Asian and all powerful... What I was really hoping for after watching the first few episodes was a linear plot with continuity. I mean, what's the point in making the universe more gritty and realistic if the whole things all over the place? The whole project seems futile. I'll see it through to the end of the series but I have little hope now that any kind of decent movie will emerge from this if they can't keep the main actors.
    Paul Magne Haakonsen Well I wouldn't really call myself a huge fan of the "Mortal Kombat" franchise, but I did play the games when I was younger, even got a couple of them for my PS3 today, and have watched the older movies, series and even read some of the comic books. I like "Mortal Kombat" for what it is, martial arts fighting without the need to implement a deeper understanding for the reason behind it.However, I will say that this "Legacy" series is impressive. Especially compared to the older movies and the earlier "Conquest" series. Why? Well simply put because of the production value behind it. It outshines the previous stuff by a mile and a half. There is just a heavier and better feel to this series, it is more in the spirit of "Mortal Kombat", if you will.I like how it takes each character and gives you some background behind who they are and what drives them. It is all done in a relatively short period of time in each episode, so of course it is limited just how much background story you get about each character. But so far it has been great entertainment and added some nice details to the characters portrayed so far.As for the acting, well I have been content with the people they have cast for the various roles. People have been doing great jobs bringing the characters alive and believable on the screen. My personal favorites are Scorpion and Sub-Zero, always have and always will be.I find "Legacy" to be a well worthy addition to the "Mortal Kombat" universe, and it is well worth watching just for the production value behind the series alone. It is really, really great.I sort of gave up on this franchise as a plausible rendering on the screen after the "Conquest" series, so it was just by sheer random luck that I came across "Legacy", and it was just out of boredom that I sat down to watch it. But after the first episode, I just kept going watching it all, it was just that good. So perhaps "Mortal Kombat" can have a glorious comeback on the screen and justify itself after some questionable previous movies and an even less so series. I am excited to find out...
    BM Rao (bmrao1980) I had decent, if not high, expectations from this series, given how Rebirth was conceptualized. Rebirth was the kind of take on Mortal Kombat that would have worked. If camp was all we needed, then the original MK movie was good enough. Unfortunately, we now have a series that relies on the same camp, as canon as it might be. The thing with MK is that as a game it is pretty straight forward, opponents enter the arena and kill each other. For game fans, the motive is not as important. But translate that into a movie and we need a proper story, a less campy and more gritty story. Rebirth did that. This series goes back to being campy.Honestly, as the series progresses, I am losing interest. If a movie is ever to happen after this series that picks up after this series, it will be as campy, if not more, than the original MK movie.In its defense though, I do feel that 10 minutes, including the end titles is a very short time to fully realize a concept. And, the Sub-Zero v/s Scorpion part was done well.But still, some logic holes can't be dismissed. For example,--Why did Raiden endure 90 days of the psych ward when all he had to do to get away was to get stabbed?--Why did Kitana believe a man she was hunting (King Robert) when he tells him she is his daughter, especially when that is all she has to go with? I mean, she was raised by Shao Kahn all her life. Just one piece of dialogue to change her entire belief system?
    MikeRydal I don't understand why people are so easy to criticise this film, at the time of writing this review, only 2 episodes have been aired. It is petty and immoral to slate a film that they have not fully seen. E.G "I didn't like the first ten minutes of the film, therefore, the rest of the film is crap." So hear is some advice for those who want to slate this series, YOU MUST VIEW SOMETHING FIRST BEFORE YOU CAN REVIEW IT! Rant over.Since the Rebirth trailer in 2010, a division has been made between the fans of Mortal Kombat; those who are for the remake and those who are against. Now the series has begun, this still seems to be the case. Fans of the "Rebirth" trailer, i believe, will enjoy this thoroughly, and those that did not, have already convinced themselves that the series is a failure, straying too far away from the source material.There are many fans who refer to this reinvention as the "End of Mortal Kombat," Curiously, the same thing was said about Batman in 1989 AND Batman Begins in 2005. It deserves a chance. Fans have to ask themselves if they would want something fresh or, another Mortal Kombat Annihilation? Even if you enjoyed the Rebirth trailer or not, its worth a watch, if you still don't like it, don't be a bitch about it, just go play Mortal Kombat 9!
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