Penny Dreadful
Penny Dreadful
TV-MA | 11 May 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    Sam AlMan When I considered watching this TV show, I thought what is it about? and why it got so high rating on I watched all 3 seasons and found that it is kind of enjoyable TV show.. My rating is heavily concentrating on season 2. If I would keep the seasons in order of how enjoyable they were to me I would say: season 2, season 1, season 3 (actually season 3 was not necessary at all to me and season 1 was just a building up for season 2).What I liked about this TV show? mostly the style, then the story of season 2. The style includes the way presenting the atmosphere and the characters, the neat and reasonable physical transformations of some characters. I have to be honest that I've been taking away by the atmosphere and the presentation of the characters in first season and I found the story is slim in that season. The TV show is for mature audience for its severe sexual and violence content.
    hbradish-1 Outstanding series start to finish. "Always leave them wanting more" someone once said and that they did. Best TV show of its genre in it seems, decades. The many very fine performances are truly appreciated. Vanessa and Rory are particularly splendid!
    Ersbel Oraph The Victorian X-men! Vioence, scientist nonsense, superstition, and doubtful morals. Some 40 years ago it would have been a visionary comic book. Today it is just one of many stories, all so uniformly different.
    J-Tone Not knowing what to watch, I gave this show a chance and got hooked immediately. There is this wonderful Victorian age setting, sinister and dark. There are the characters surrounded by mystery and it makes you wonder which horrible secrets they keep. The story starts to evolve along with two side stories and you cannot wait to see how the three strings will intertwine. Sad truth is: They don't. The main story line gets completely out of hand and the side stories don't contribute to anything. The main story, carefully built up in Season 1 just goes downhill and appears to be more of a sequence of random events rather than following a clear story line, which is getting worse in SE 3. The mysterious ambiance of SE 1 was replaced with a series of hollow and meaningless new characters to cover up the missing depth of the plot. Catriona is a perfect example of how the quality of the series has decreased over time. All of this leads up to the show's finale which was a huge disappointment. While the episodes moved along I couldn't shake the feeling that the sole purpose of the two side stories was to fill the 50 minutes per episode due to the lack of content of the main story. I kept waiting how and when they will link back to the main plot or lead up to their own conclusive end but they don't. Lily's and John Clare's story line have close to no substance and leave you somewhat puzzled, but not in a good way. I don't know if the script was so bad that it was almost impossible to create something out of it or if it was a case of miscast. Lily probably became the most annoying character on the show and the portrayal of a woman seeking revenge for the pain in her past life just didn't seem authentic. John Clare, the monster yet sensitive and poetic, is just a bit too much and he looks more like a 40-year old dad heading to a costume party than a haunted human monster. Rory Kinnear just doesn't fit from a visual perspective. Maybe they should've also been a bit easier on the make-up. All in all, it's really a shame that the show turned out this way. I loved Season 1, which for me was somewhere 8 or 9 out of 10. I don't know what happened afterwards but the show did not live up to my expectations that were set during the first episodes.
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