The Collector
The Collector
| 02 June 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micitype Pretty Good
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    aliciagayol In Argentina we have seen many Americans shows, but really lately the Canadians don't have nothing that envy to the Americans. Example this is The Collector, for many years we don't see a show like this, so amazing, so entertainer, please we don't let us shutout the collector. We need him, we need Morgan Pym.The performances are really good, the scrip is fantastic, the performance of Chris Kramer is wonderful, we can't imagine someone else.The boy, Aidan, the autistic boy, his job is extraordinary.Maya is just who Morgan needs.
    loco_73 I really like this TV show. When compared to most of the refuse that populates TV land these days, this show is refreshing, fun, poignant and very engaging. I cannot wait until the new season starts. I like the premise of the show, the cast, the plot/storyline and the production. I hope this show has a good run. What I find interesting, is that the actors that impersonate the devil are dead on...and very well chosen for that part. You never really know what the devil will look like in any episode. For those that think that this is just a campy and light show, pay more attention to the content. It deals with very heady topics like addiction, prostitution, violence, greed etc. and all other kinds of vices, to which people succumb and become such enticing prey for the devil. Chris Kramer's character, Morgan Pym, symbolizes the eternal desire of man for understanding and boundless love as well as a never ending search for redemption. All I can say is that The Collector is excellent. A viewing pleasure...more please!
    lefesue I really have become a "Collector groupie". I love the show and can't wait to see the next episode. I will watch reruns consistently. I did not get to see the beginning though, but have found out some of the details through the back flashes.I have only found the show this year and wish I had seen it in the beginning.Please someone help this confused viewer!! I am having a problem though! I know that Gabe fits into the picture, but HOW!I guess I am not the sharpest tack in the box, but I just can't get it!! I think that we as Canadians can sure be proud of some of shows put out.I hope someone out there can clear up Gabe's role in the show and hope that the series continues for a long time. Thanks everyone for your time. Sign me as confused!
    TooCynicalToSpeak Okay, I admit, I only saw one episode of this so I'm not exactly an expert but in my opinion this show is a mess. The story behind it is interesting, more or less original and has a lot of potential for a fresh looking, dark and good TV series. It has room for complex characters, and a brooding-like struggle for the main character Morgan. But in The Collector all this potential is wasted on a sloppy script, bad acting, and a generally poor look. The characters, as well as the main one are pretty much flat and the episode itself very predictable. Maybe I just saw a bad episode, but I have a feeling that I can watch the rest of them and not have a pleasant surprise to see I'm wrong. Which is too bad, because it could've been a good show.