TV-MA | 19 August 2013 (USA)

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    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    reinuvader It would be very good series (close to 8) if only the ending would be something more interesting and not so lame. Basically when I saw this series starting from the middle of first episode (on the 20th minute), I got immediately hooked. It was interesting and acting and dialogue was good. But last 10 minutes of 2nd episode ruined whole thing. Problem was in script. Actors did job very well and I also liked camera work, lens flares and deep depth of field in visuals. It felt like someone else had written the ending of script in hurry. Because of the ending it deserves its below 6 rating. Its sad because 95% of the series was worth rating of 8.
    bmradux My Vote: I would have actually aimed for a 7, but since I find it so underrated, here comes the 8. Given the general low IMDb rating I was pleasantly surprised by the first shots, and the first dialogues that were.. more than decent. And it got better- negligible amount of cheesy, just 4 moments of "wtf- no one would do that in real life". There were some familiar actors, and some new to me, and they all played their parts well. Suspense, there was. Emotion there was not. It's not a must for a sci-fi to bring a tear to my eye, but maybe if you kill some characters or put sentimental music on the soundtrack, make sure I get to care about the moment? Just saying... All in all a very, very decent sci-fi. Maybe a bit too long. I confess, I watched it all in one piece, while it was meant as a miniseries, but I believe that in the end, after 2:40 h, I actually accumulated a total of some 40 minutes of watching fancy camera shots and coloured lines and dots swooshing by, the visual representation of the AI in action. While I initially enjoyed the innovative shots they got to be over-exploited and story-diluting. The length allowed for quite a few twists and turns, while the film did not fall into the trap of useless sub-plots (although, again, they could have told the story of the titanic, had they removed the useless AI animations). Scientifically feasible? I would say yes. I guess a Spontaneous Technological Singularity would not really be spontaneous. But if You put a good enough AI together with a virus able to create a botnet, You will at least get an AI with unlimited computing power. At this point, let me remind You that the Turner Test has been finally passed by an AI in 2014, and that in the last 7 years, some 60.000.000 PCs have been unknowingly been part of DISCOVERED botnets, and that any new smartphone has more speed and storage than the best supercomputer of 1990. So slowly, You can start adapting the question "Are there aliens among us?"
    Arnes Semenov I didn't know what to think of this movie when i just saw it's title and the premise seemed 50/50 for my liking but when i started watching it, boy was i surprised.The acting for the most part wasn't all that bad and to have a cast like Seth Green was surprising enough as it is. Anyway, for those who are fans of Sci-Fi or hacking in general, this movie did get a lot of the real issues with supercomputers or A.I. out there and it played it's cards pretty well.Now despite all of that there are of course a few faults or moments that would probably make people not enjoy this movie as much.Firstly, the movie is too long and overstays it's welcome and it took nearly 30 minutes to get sucked in.And without giving out any spoilers, the ending was quite cheesy and cliché as much as it was cute and would make sense.It's a solid 5,5/10 And giving it a lower score would have flagged it as generic and bland, and i'm not just being generous here.
    cmv32261 Come now folks, data is to fragmented, the Web for doing research is inferior to the old phone connections tied to a database, nitpicks every term used in the question/sentence, I am certain like me some people have turned to the various Search Engines such as Google, Bing, etc. merely to discover it would take wks. mos., to find the right information if they ever found it at all, now a major database with a whole building filled with multiple servers all linked together, plus connected to the Web I might buy it, but the Web, no possible way it could ever become self aware. Who thought this lame plot up, wait don't tell me someone who started out as game, or Web game designer, worst of all the infantile engineers responsible for the Mentally Deficient television, typical STVs are a major nightmare, LG Google Chrome process faster, but still very limited data storage space, Quad/4K televisions are too new to know what their limitations if you are smart you will wait until those who have far more money than common sense point out the flaws in their reviews. Guess someone thought it was time to scare people again, like as if reality is insufficient, so let's see how truly stupid people are and peddle pure fiction. Since I am no computer scientist, trust they are far more intelligent than Information Technicians, because any indirect experience I have had dealing with their handy work infuriates me, major inept boobs. Computer scientists at the top of the field would be far more efficient at explaining why the plot to this movie is so ridiculous, my conclusion is if it were not like that traitor Edward Snowden breaking his oath and blabbing about the Internet and phone line intelligence they acquired with court orders, they as well would come forward by conveying their story to the press. Yes I envision those dirty, gritty, grease between the gears in the heads of people turning ever so slowly, thinking then the digital entity would have them killed off as well, except these people are known and doing nothing in secret, so the Web monster would be unaware of them. Like borderline conspiracy theorists, and our intelligence gathering agencies when they want to get the real low down they focus on those who sound the most mentally unstable, terrorists of any kind, computer hackers who use the fact that the general public does not trust the government to spread fear.