The Last Templar
The Last Templar
| 25 January 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    lorenebryant I watch a movie to escape reality -- not criticize someone else's version of it. I wasn't expecting a history lesson or a documentary. I was entertained and I would watch it again. I'm not a movie critic and I don't need to try to impress readers with my keen eye, sharp wit and acid-drenched critique. They had 2.5 hours to create an entertaining movie with limited resources about a time and place in history interesting to explore. I don't expect each scene to be perfect in artistic portrayal or historically as accurate as a visual dissertation. Take it for what it is and don't expect it to be something it isn't. Enjoy the scenery, the good acting acting and the story. If you don't like it, turn it off or find something else. Don't discourage others from getting to experience this fun movie.
    mdtrudell On our road trips, my wife has been reading aloud "The Last Templar". She started it on our trip around Michigan. We are not even half way through and it's an excellent novel (my opinion). It holds the interest and you can't wait to take another road trip to continue. I found the movie. Recommendation - don't watch. The movie opened at the well, not the when the Templar knights were fleeing the city that was overrun (no biggie). Then jumped to New York the way the book did. It looked like it had promise. But, 5 minutes into the movie, Tess turned into Wonder Woman (BTW her mother and daughter weren't present as they should have been) confronting the bad guys with a golden staff. By 7 minutes in, I deemed "this sucks" and shut it off. I had planned on watching up to the point we left off in the book.... no spoilers; but I just couldn't. It was that bad. —
    Ang3l XIII you are in the mood for a movie that is so terribly bad that you just can't seem to look away. After this movie ends, you'll be sitting in front of your TV with glazed-over eyes wondering what just happened. I can't and won't even begin to go through the list of incredible flaws and mistakes in regards to location, geography, story line, acting, plot, - basically ANYTHING related to this fabulous movie! I was initially thinking that this movie should get a negative rating, but heck - let's give it one awful star for the pure entertainment factor. This would be a GREAT entertainment if you are in a group with half-way intelligent people who are history/religion literate and a couple of drinks. You won't stop laughing - because that is all you can do to avoid the crying. Enjoy!
    ozgur-27 Sory but this film is suck....Especially the part about Turkey. Bodrum was shot like some town from the 3rd world, without even knowing the fact that every single person in Bodrum can speak English and I have never ever seen Bodrum like in the film! However Bodrum like Ibiza or something like that. But in the movie, Bodrum like Afghaninstan or Iraq. Thats not true. Also the movies and production, directing and acting are strictly amateurish.Stop wasting our time with this crap, NBC... maybe you wouldn't have to keep pumping this stupid stuff out if you didn't cancel good shows like Journeyman or My Own Worst Enemy. All you have left is Heroes, and that can't compete with 24 or House... NBC's golden years died with the ending of Friends and Seinfeld. Don't bother to watch it for anything other than the news.