Jackie Chan Adventures
Jackie Chan Adventures
TV-Y7 | 09 September 2000 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
    TheLittleSongbird Now don't take my summary in a bad way. I like Jackie Chan a lot, I think he is very talented at what he does, and I was intrigued when I saw this. The concept was hokey to me at first, but when it came to seeing the show I was impressed with how it turned out. The story lines are somewhat original and don't feel formulaic or predictable, and the writing is funny and intelligent. Then we have the animation, the backgrounds are unique and the colours unusual but really nice, but I have to say the action/stunt sequences turned out brilliantly. And I like the characters, Jackie is a great character, he is loyal, determined and brave, and the villains are fun, especially Hak Foo(brilliantly voiced by Jim Cummings). And the voice acting is very well done, very dynamic and expressive. I do agree though the first half of the show is better than the second, the second wasn't bad, but I felt there were episodes when it focused a little too much on Jade. Don't get me wrong Jade is very cute and funny, but there needed to be more of a balance between her and Jackie, I got the sense sometimes Jackie was merely a side character on occasions during that occasion. Overall, a surprisingly enjoyable show that made the most of its concept. 8/10 Bethany Cox
    Angelus2 Imagine taking over the movie industry with your breathtaking stunts. What next? How about a cartoon starring, you? Thats what Jackie Chan did and it works; Jackie Chan has wowed the audience for years in movies and made them laugh at his innovative martial arts which combine comedy and martial arts, before it became a property for children's action movies. Here we are meant to believe that Jackie Chan is an archaeologist who with his Uncle collect rare artifacts until his niece Jade comes along and chaos ensues as an evil organisation known as 'Dark Hand' who possess power over shadow ninjas...and so Jackie must fight the forces of evil and be a model uncle to niece Jade.The show has some unique backgrounds, thats something I love; the building are coloured but the colours don't stay in the lines...If you know what I mean....Now the action...Its pure Jackie and its amazing how the fight scenes are transfered onto a cartoon and how it works brilliantly. Next is the comedy which is hilarious especially Jade who is adorable and keeps the laughs coming.A very innovative and stylish show from a very innovative man!
    bbally81 Well, you see I'm more of an anime fan. So this is the best American cartoon ever made, and i've notice that they did pay some tribute for anime which is a big improvement over the lousy Totally Spies. As for it being a fictional Celebrity-based Cartoon, I've never thought any of the Celebrity based cartoons would even match with the MR.T cartoon. But as usual Jackie Chan proves that no one makes a better real-life superhero than him. It also one of my three favorite Waner Bros. cartoons ever made, the other 2 being Static Shock and Road Rovers.This show is a must see for both cartoon fans and Jackie Chan fans.
    dragon ma young I never really watch too much TV, and i almost never watch cartoons, but i was flipping through the channels on morning and noticed this. A Jackie Chan cartoon? Thats a really good idea, so little kids can get a taste of the Jackie we know and love! Not a bad show either. I dont think it has enough fighting for a Jackie Chan cartoon, but it still had some, and the humor was present. Ive seen the show a couple of times now, and it has never ceased to entertain. Little kids who cant watch R-Rated (for NO good reason) Jackie movies like Drunken master 2 and Supercop, should definately check this out, its a fun ride of a show.