TV-14 | 12 July 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    bhuskey-69720 Do not watch this mini series. Ever. Everything all of the other reviewers have said is true. I wish I read reviews before watching it. This was so bad I find it hard to believe some of these "stars" even agreed to be in it. It's like they all got together for beer and pizza the night before shooting started and someone said, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we all did a terrible job on this film?" And everyone else thought, why yes, yes it would be funny. So they did it. It is bad. Just bad.
    TheLittleSongbird There is some good talent here in Meteor, but how this mini-series wasted it was unforgivable. The best and only good thing about it is Christopher Lloyd, more subdued than usual but still makes a conscientious effort, and he's only in it for an hour, maybe that he realised that it was so bad and refused to be part of it. Other talented actors like Jason Alexander and Ernie Hudson also don't have very much to do, they try hard but can't do anything with their material. The rest of the actors are just terrible, Michael Rooker is just embarrassing to watch. It is just sad that the big-names, who actually show talent, have little to do and those who show nowhere near as much talent are given more though that's saying little. Because the characters are cardboard cut-out, made to act interminably obnoxious, and they are very underdeveloped and entirely unsympathetic to the viewer, for a mini-series of this length that is just as inexcusable as wasting the big-names. And the dialogue is vomit-inducing and idiotic with all the characters spouting annoyingly stale clichés, to the extent also of making us feel stupid. The story just rambles on and on, the disaster itself is over-dramatised and there are subplots that take far too long to get going or resolve. What's worse is that most of them are completely irrelevant and just feel like padding, while there is nothing tense, thrilling, suspenseful or even engaging about the story. At best the science is questionable, it felt like the writers were making it on the spot with the audience just feeling perplexed, and the ending is one that you can smell a mile off, that's how predictable it is. The music is basically made up of four different themes and moods and is incredibly repetitive, even worse they are introduced randomly and with no regard of the mood of the scene or what had happened before. While visually and directorially the mini-series is the very meaning of amateurish, there's literally been better effects on the worst of Power Rangers and Disney teen movies/shows, there's nothing interesting, subtle or distinctive about the photography, and the overall look of it is depressingly drab. All in all, absolutely terrible in all senses, committing the sins of wasting any talent there is and not developing characters or dialogue over the length. If it wasn't for Lloyd there would have been no redeeming features. 1/10 Bethany Cox
    siaon This movie makes Ben Stein's creation 'Expelled' look like cutting edge science. It also makes Ben Stein look like a genius.The movie jumps from one ludicrously idiotic decision to another. For instance the professor that found the meteor apparently has crucial data on it that no one else has. It never strikes his mind to make a copy. Or e-mail it. Or anything a normal person would do.Instead he goes on a day long car drive after exclaiming the meteor will hit in perhaps a day...After he gets killed stupidly, his assistant manages to hitch a ride with a truck. She never tells the driver anything, and when he decides he wants to be with his family, she's like: "Oh sure, go be with your family, I'll find my way there". Apparently ignorant to the fact that they'll all be INCINERATED if she doesn't get there fast...Beyond this, the script writer probably can't even spell the word science (For the love of god, they try to 'obliterate' a moon sized rock with SAM missiles... In the atmosphere?!). And yes. It gets worse.I don't know how I managed to watch (read: survive) this entire movie, but I strongly suggest you do not try to as well.As a last minute edit, in line with other reviewers, I too believe that the actors made the very best they could of this movie. The acting was quite decent!
    Vic_max I'm usually not this rough on a show, but boy, this seemed like a lot of money given over to amateur movie makers. This so bad, it should actually be studied by film making classes - almost everything that can go wrong has gone wrong in this movie.I'm not even sure how to relay how bad this was ... but maybe some examples may help: 1) The old "oops - we ran out of gas" routine was used "twice" to advance two different story lines - can you imagine how bad that looked? 2) The fate of the world hinges on info about to be relayed over a cell phone, but just then, the car enters a mountainous area and loses cell reception (I guess backing up is more annoying than saving life on the planet) ... and then eventually runs out of gas. Of course, they're really out of luck now, but ... miraculously, the cell phone starts ringing.3) A big bad guy named Dwight, who's ready shoot people AND police with terrorist grade weaponry, turns into a puppy dog after the sheriff tells him to "think about it" (which takes him all of 8 seconds).4) Life on earth hinges on the calculations of a 20-something year old girl running around with a laptop. Her qualifications? She's an "assistant" to a scientist. If they told us that she at least had some sort of credentials, that would have helped - but they didn't.5) The "bad guy's never really dead" routine is taken to the extreme. One of the main characters of this story is beyond stupid: instead of killing a guy who has been on a murderous rampage (which almost included his daughter), he puts him in the back seat of his car in mickey-mouse handcuffs ... go figure. It doesn't end there either - there's so much more brainless decision-making involving the bad guy, you eventually want the bad guy to rid the world of "good-guy" morons.6) There's so much incredible dialog ... check this out - the girl wants to use the phone after the wireless lines go down: Man: $50 for the phone.Girl: That's ridiculous. I'm a scientist.She's a scientist??? Oh, OK - I guess that means she's either a superior being or that she's looking for the super-saver rate for scientists. Geeze.I could go on, but it's so nuts it's almost epic. If you're aching for a disaster movie and have absolutely nothing else available, see it only if you have fast-forward capability. It'll save you some of the torture.