TV-PG | 02 May 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    LouHomey From my favorite movies..
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    elliott78212 Now I'm not saying its 2012 I have seen worse movies on the sci-fi channel. A likable cast of B & D list actors, some moments of unintended hilarity, and decent special FX, make this a popcorn movie for the whole family. The beginning made me laugh this dude on a bike not gonna giveaway anything there you will judge for yourself. Now some reviewers have talked about the bad science the over the top this and that but I think any film like this we suspend one part of belief just to watch and enjoy none of these type films is totally plausible so putting that aside is important, like seriously as good as 2012, or Day after Tomorrow were you have to admit they were no more realistic just bigger budget. I thought this was better than Earthquake with Charleton Heston.
    TheLittleSongbird Because the opening sequence was stupid and contrived for words. The rest of the movie is just as awful. From a technical standpoint, it is incredibly cheap. The dully lit scenery and crude-looking and unauthentic special effects were problems but was nothing compared to the constant zooming-in-and-out camera work, which got on my nerves as quick as when you say Bob's your uncle. The sound effects are just bizarre, and the music is over-bearing. The dialogue is so bad that you are left cringing at how aimlessly cheesy it is. The story is paced in such a plodding manner, with no surprises or genuine emotion as well as being ridiculously contrived. The characters may be clichéd, but they are also obnoxious and undeveloped ones. The acting is phoned in, and the direction is flat. And don't get me started on the science, I had a feeling there were going to be inaccuracies but I had no idea that there would be so many or that every single of them would be so implausible that you are both laughing and dropping your jaw at the television at the same time. In conclusion, a terrible movie with no redeeming qualities at all, it actually leaves you angry rather than laughing at its complete ineptitude. 1/10 Bethany Cox
    Michelle Palmer I thought the guy on the bike was funny. But I don't believe the poor dude survived, as it looked like the rubble from the space needle falling actually got him. The story itself is like something after the rapture of the church, and I told my ten year old son that's the only way I could describe it - tribulation period...I imagine it's going to be ten fold to this, but this was pretty dang good...The nuclear weapon theory was a bit over the top, and of course I could see the guy going down with the last one from a mile away - not much surprise there...I was excited to see Bo Duke (John Schneider) in this movie. I'd never picture him being married to a governor though :-) And Beau Bridges as the President of the United States...Hmmmmm.....The final scene was great. I didn't actually think that was going to happen, but it was interesting to see what an earthquake could do in people's imaginations...There's always those big fears that "the big one" in California will change the geography forever...
    tupolev-2 Take one really bad idea, add a group of actors that should know better, a pinch of insipid drama, mix a bit of "God Bless America" and wrap it all up with shockingly bad camera work and there you have it - the worst tele-movie ever to shake our screens. And another thing - why do all these bad disaster films have the same plot? I mean, a group of so called professionals who are grouped together for their intellect and education working for the authority on whatever disaster they face, have to battle each other and an arrogant know-it-all boss who refuses to acknowledge the opinion of his team? Until it's too late of course. Then that same boss becomes the hero by "taking one for the team" - give us a break! Factor in a sub-plot of a dysfunctional family with a precocious kid who hates their parents and there you have every other so called suspense film made in the last 20 plus years. If you really want to add pain to the viewing experience, wait for it to come out on free to air TV - then you'll know what the 10.5 means - 10 minutes of movie and 5 minutes of commercials, 10 minutes of movie.......