Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc
| 16 May 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
    mannuskyhigh its always difficult to make movies on history. Especially when you don't have the exact facts related to it. But if you make a movie with a right blend of all the ingredients of film making, it does the trick. 'Joan of Arc' is one such film that deserves a standing ovation. When you are watching it, the feeling is quite authentic and you really feel for the characters. I saw this when I was around 14 at a TV Channel, That time I hardly paid any attention but the movie did strike in my mind. And several years later, I got the movie on DVD through a friend and I watched it and this time I was blown away. I am always in love for historic characters especially the ones who achieve martyrdom at their early age. The Performances are extraordinary. LeeLee, the actress who plays the title role really looks the part and delivers a marvelous performance, sometimes you may find that she is lacking the expression field, but the feel of the film makes you forget everything. Every other actor has done his/her job brilliantly. The Music is Epic. It glorifies the movie even more.One thing that made me shocked that this movie wasn't a theatrical one but instead made for TV. I think this movie deserved to be on the theaters, as It deserved to be. After Watching this, I want to salute the spirit of 'Joan of Arc'.
    anonymous124 As the film rolls past we catch the faces of many a Hollywood has-been. The last generations finest reduced to roles of utter humiliation. They do not give good performances. They look embarrassed and defeated and all too aware of their surroundings. Only Peter O'Toole has a spark of life in him - God knows what he was thinking when he took this role, he can't even save the scenes where he's the only one in the frame, and despite the fact he is one of the most respected actors in Hollywood, the makers of the film feel too above him to let this happen more than once or twice. Too bad. Instead, they fill the frame with Leslee Sobieski, who takes herself, the role, and this ridiculous, cliché ridden made for TV movie like she planned to upstage Maria Falconetti. Points for effort, but she doesn't attain much more of a performance than most porn stars do. She manages a grimace here and there, usually just before a battle. Then the camera cranes dramatically up and down and to the side while lots of people fight. 8 year old boys will be ready to praise because, whatever comes in between, there are battle scenes.Joan of Arc does not fall into the category of "so bad it's funny." It is not funny. It is simply bad. It is not filled with clichés - it IS a cliché. A cliché extended over several hours, and nearly unbearable to watch at that. Shirley MacLaine, a long way from "The Apartment," makes a brief, very dramatic cameo - the kind where we first see her feet step out and then the back of her head and finally her face. But she doesn't actually get to do anything besides some violent coughing. She exists to give the film some air of credibility, I suppose.The last section of the film, like many Joan of Arc movies past, does indeed use the actual dialouge Joan spoke during her trial. The 1928 film "The Passion of Joan of Arc" directed by Carl Theodore Dreyer was built entirely around this one section, and it was a devastating, brutally told real-time drama of unflinching power. The very same dialouge is used in this film, yet it is acted so terribly, and presented so blandly, that it's hard to believe they could focus on the same subject.Save the wonderful Mr. O'Toole, there is no redeeming quality in this film. It is indeed one of the worst films ever recorded onto celluloid.
    Atreyu Hibiki Joan of Arc is indeed my biggest hero of all time! Everything about her, beauty,brains and her remarkable courage. Leelee Sobieski is incredible in this film, she takes it all in total stride. The passion with which she portrays her role is..... I am at a loss for words! I admit it with pride, I cried like a baby. It's that good. The medieval fight scenes were well done, in many aspects too. Some of the special effects are somewhat unrealistic, but it gets the point across. Very well, actually. The other actors did their parts well. They definitely showed their love for her, as it does in the true story. If you want to see a true, fascinating story of faith then, see this movie!
    ihavenoidea wow, this is a really great epic film. i loved the maker's attention to details. it was greatly acted as well. the amazing leelee sobieski did a PERFECT job as joan of arc. i loved it and could watch it over and over again. there are great shots and even better action scenes. leelee did a great job all around. it is a TV movie, too! it just blew me away. the story of the amazing joan of arc truly comes alive in this movie. it's a very inspirational film and its story couldn't have been told any better. the acting, the detail, the action, the backgrounds, the historic representation, even the extras are all excellent. sorry to sound redundant, but this is the best it can get. it is so touching and you will learn things about joan of arc you never knew. it teaches you and gives you so much to take in. GREAT FILM!!
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