Washington: Behind Closed Doors
Washington: Behind Closed Doors
NR | 06 September 1977 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ploydsge just watch it!
    HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    andrew-lyall This is the Nixon Whitehouse with the expletives deleted, but somehow manages to be just as menacing and obscene, thanks to the acting of Jason Robarts and Robert Vaughn and other excellent actors. But Nicholas Pyor (Hank Ferris) as the weak, ambitious, amoral, eternally scared director of communications is a masterful piece of acting. He is alternately scared, full of hubris and fragile self-confidence, willing to do anything to please his bosses,then self-doubting. He deserved an Oscar. It is indeed a comic performance and a comedy of manners as another reviewer rightly pointed out. One blemish is that the women all seem hopelessly weak and fickle. Sally Whalen breaks her own rule about not getting involved with a married man and then lives to regret it. The girl with the strangely intense blue eyes (whose name I forget) falls hopelessly for the philandering Roger Castle and seems unable for far too long to see him for what he is. Again, Hank Ferris's inept attempts emulate Castle are wonderfully realized. The real Nixon was somewhat more complex than the TV drama manages to portray. For example, the scene where President Monkton goes out the talk to the Vietnam War protesters is portrayed as a scheme got up by the Pryor character as a cynical ploy, whereas in reality it was Nixon's own idea, it took place at night when he was unable to sleep and obviously, within his own rather severe limitations, sincere. Perhaps it was thought that to portray that would obscure the main theme of the drama. Truth often does. Not much to put against the tens of thousands of deaths in Vietnam and Cambodia, but he was not quite as one-sided as the fictional version. And at last the series is available on DVD, via Amazon.com.
    dazfiddy I saw this mini series in 1994, when the BBC was running a series of programmes to mark the twentieth anniversary of Richard Nixon's resignation.This may be fiction,but it's all thinly disguised in the same way that "Primary Colors" is.It is amazing. Jason Robards is great as Monckton, the Nixon-type President.A mass of contradictions:arrogant,ruthless, devious and yet eager to make history.Cliff Robertson plays a CIA director who realises that this type of President in the Oval Office is a danger to democracy.There is a great role for Robert Vaughn as the Haldeman figure.This is a far cry from The West Wing and Commander in Chief.This is a White House staffed by men who are utterly ruthless in the pursuit of power.Idealism does not exist in this world,only cynicism.Spying on so-called enemies is standard procedure.If you've read "All the President's Men" or "The Final Days", then you will recognise the characters being portrayed.Would love to get a copy on DVD.
    john-howes I watched this mini series when it was first aired on UK TV and I'm amazed it's never been released either on video or latterly on DVD. Robert Vaughn is superb in his role as a sinister 'background' character to the downward spiralling president.Jason Robards, in one of his better acted roles, is also very believable as the president who is initially tarnished, then eventually dethroned by corruption.I think the time has come for another generation to enjoy this excellent production - I can't imagine why it's never even been aired again by any of the major TV companies.So therefore - please somebody - get it out on DVD!!!
    onepass in 1977 the events in this mini series was indelible in the minds of the whole country.. ie; watergate...i saw such realism in the story as though i was in the oval office, experiencing every step from beginning of story to end. realism of choice of actors nd setting..one and one only drawback..never released on video rental or purchase...would love to see it again or have a copy of it.
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