Mister Sterling
Mister Sterling
| 10 January 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    AikiWarrior Mr. Sterling was a inspirational show to say the least...in today's corrupt 2 party system, the show could not have been more powerful. I think it was a TERRIBLE mistake to cancel the show, and it is a good thing that we recorded it...I guess it didn't make it because everyone is so conditioned in the way of 2 party politics....The show inspired me to become an Independent and also see how much truth poured out of the show. It was the BEST political show on TV and since it's departure, nothing can touch it! Wake up NBC...bring it back...~Jason~
    gsumner-2 I can not believe this show was cancelled. This was the only drama of the 2003/2004 season that we liked and made sure we never missed an episode.If NBC wants to know why they lost of few million viewers this year, they need to know it was because of bonehead decisions to cancel quality programming such as "Mr. Sterling".I agree with Todd1952's comments - this show may have been too good for TV. It seems as though TV execs like shows that are dumber than they are and have no idea how to place or market an intelligent show; they sure didn't with "Mr. Sterling". Duhhhh, this move sure does explain the continued existence of "Fear Factor" or the revamped "Three's company" also known as "Will & Grace" need I say more?I guess the word is out to TV people in California; if your show ends up on Friday night on NBC, you had better get out your resume' and call your agent. NBC doesn't put shows on Friday night to find a specific audience, they put them there to empty the film cans and recover their production costs before quietly dumping the program. Hey, NBC, I'm NEVER watching another one of your shows on Friday night! NEVER!!After losing shows like "Friends" and "Frasier" and dumping a show such as "Mr. Sterling", NBC deserves to suffer a horrible death in the ratings this year. I hope the moron who cancelled "Mr. Sterling" gets fired!!!
    gerry8 I knew after the first showing that I was watching a winner, so naturally watched this evening (7th March) but was rather astonished at the end when they showed coming attractions and announced the next show to be the Season Finale. How can it be time for Season Finale in mid March? I visited the NBC website but there isn't a clue.
    LowGenius No, I don't work for NBC. I also don't watch a lot of television. Mr. Sterling is the first program in many, many years that I make it a point to NEVER miss. Where it could be very bland and formulaic, it transcends; where it could pander to popular opinion, it takes chances; where it could be "West Wing Part 2," it stands on its own...and IMO, it stands head and shoulders above West Wing. A senator with a conscience - whoda thunk it? The show pulls no punches, portraying a Senate that many of us in the US like to pretend doesn't exist; a senate of favors and political intrigue, where "doing the right thing" is measured in how you can get the most campaign contributions or 5-second soundbytes on CNN.If you only watch an hour of television a week, make it Mister Sterling. You won't regret it. In a world where "The Real World" is anything but, and "reality television" is an oxymoron, this bit of creative fiction provides more "reality" than I can recall seeing in a television show in this century. Maybe I'm being a bit over-enthusiastic about it, but I don't think so. If this show is given a chance to succeed, I think it can become the sleeper hit of the 2003 season, and beyond. A truly amazing show.